IO Reunion 2017 | Let’s Play World Games

Marcus Letts
Origin Club
Published in
3 min readMar 11, 2017
“We co-create solutions which unite and transform”

Take a glance over last year’s invite (it’s only 5 pages) and you’ll see how everything we said and did in 2016 is just as relevant today.

I had a booking in the diary for 19–23 June on Villa Averoff for an event which will now be postponed. What say we step boldly through this open door to co-create an IO Reunion in 2017?

Doors of perception

This article is an MVP invite designed to catalyse an IO Reunion on Evia Island in 2017.

Please add your comments, share with “imaginal” friends — both old and new — or jump directly into self-organising via our Facebook group and event page (coming soon). Let’s learn from our experiences in 2016 and help make this year’s retreat come together as co-creatively as possible!

So who’s in…?

In one sentence:

To co-create a reunion retreat for the IO Collective.

Where and when?

Villa Averoff, Evia Island, Greece from 19–23 June 2017.

Villa Averoff, Evia Island

Who are we?

The IO Collective is a playful network of individuals and organisations who come together around a simple but powerful mission. In a few words, “we co-create solutions which unite and transform.

How does it work?

An IO Retreat is a potent mix of deep listening, diffusion activities and co-creative play. Help to shape our collaborative agenda in 2017 by offering to host…

  • a conversation — you have a question or broad theme you want to explore.
  • a brainstorm — you have a specific project or idea you want to get feedback on.
  • a workshop — you have a fun activity or experience to test out and you need an audience.

Why does this matter?

In a post Trump and Brexit world, our desire for meaning and purpose is more urgent than ever before. We know in our hearts that a more beautiful world is possible, but there remains a lack of clarity around our identity, organisational patterns and shared culture which is holding back a tidal wave of innovation. As de-facto leaders within this emerging meme — thanks to a mix of talent and privilege — it’s our response-ability to be pioneers once more.

In 2016 we connected around a big vision but found ourselves running before we could walk. We have learned it will take time to find our feet on this new path, so let’s continue to step boldly over the threshold, re-committing to one another over and over again. In 2017, the IO Reunion is once more an ideal story around which to convene a gathering of the tribes.

IO Retreat 2016

What about logistics?:

This will be a non-profit event with 100% financial transparency.

Villa Averoff is booked and Food Path will lovingly prepare their uniquely nourishing Greek / world fusion food. Airport transfers are also covered.

To make this happen we need 30 participants to collectively self-fund our 2017 retreat by investing €400 each.

Next steps

All the basics are covered. Now it’s up to us to add the sparkle.

  • Please email and cc’ to confirm your place.
  • Share an intention, tell your story or help us co-create our 2018 agenda from late April, when we will begin to shape our collaborative agenda via an open call to participants.
  • Invite your “imaginal” friends to join our Facebook group and event page (coming soon).
Watch our 2016 trailer



Marcus Letts
Origin Club

Marcus Letts is a design thinker and event producer from the UK. He lives on the isle of Evia in Greece with his wife Emily and two young boys, Seth and Lucas.