As Bitcoin’s Price Hits a New All Time High, What Happens Next?

Cause for celebration … or concern?

Jason Deane
The Bitcoin Blog


Image: Licensed adobe stock by Travis

In a chance Google search I discovered that Bitcoin had reached a new all-time high (ATH) today.

I was quite surprised about this. After all, as a full time analyst and commentator on the adoption and development of Bitcoin, you would think it was something I would have noticed.

Not only that, but my Twitter feed should be annoyingly full of pictures of “Lambos” and “Moons,” but it wasn’t. Thank God.

Yet, here it was, in green and white, a simple chart showing a wobbly, but undeniably upwards trend line to a new all-time high, unequivocally confirming that the fiat currency equivalent of one bitcoin has definitely reached a value hitherto unseen … in Turkish lira.

Image: Google conversion of 1 Bitcoin to Turkish Lira to date

Of course, for those of us who reside outside of Turkey, we may be forgiven for being less impressed with this news than we would if, for example, that number had been denoted in U.S. dollars, British pounds or euros. We may even be dismissive of it.



Jason Deane
The Bitcoin Blog

I blog on things I am passionate about: Bitcoin, writing, money, life’s crazy turns and being a dad. Lover of learning, family and cheese. (