Bitcoin and the World of Sex, Drugs and Organised Crime

If you ever needed any further proof of value … it’s here

Jason Deane
The Bitcoin Blog


Image by SamWilliamsPhoto from Pixabay

There have always been con men, blackmailers, gangsters, drug dealers, wise guys, sex traffickers and everything in between. There always will be.

They all have their own stories as to why they are how they are, whether it’s lack of opportunity, a bad childhood or simply a choice created by the way they are wired, but they all have one thing in common — a desire for something more, often much more.

Many of us might feel the same of course, but these people have the advantage of being able to operate entirely unconstrained by minor inconveniences such as law, conscience and morals. It could be power, reputation, recognition or even simple survival that drives them, but the underlying element of all of this is, of course, money.

Money does it all in one neat package. And lots of money buys all of those things within your social (or, more precisely, “anti-social”) circles that bring you that perceived power. Money makes you the king, and buys you the protection you’ll ultimately need in that position.

At least for a time. Criminal reigns are often spectacular, but rarely long.



Jason Deane
The Bitcoin Blog

I blog on things I am passionate about: Bitcoin, writing, money, life’s crazy turns and being a dad. Lover of learning, family and cheese. (