Can the Bitcoin ETF Lead To Centralization & Control?

Should we be actually be worried about TradFi involvement?

Jason Deane
The Bitcoin Blog


Image: Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Financiers, big business, fund managers, pension schemes — is there anyone who’s not excited about the upcoming Bitcoin ETF?

Well, it turns out there’s one group who is. And perhaps it’s one you wouldn't expect.


Not all of them of course, but there is definitely a certain subset of the Bitcoin community who don't really like the idea of ‘big business’ or ‘TradFi’ being involved with ‘our’ asset.

Part of this may well be a natural emotional response of change from something that is ‘antiestablishment’ to effectively being part of the establishment, but there are also some quite valid arguments over centralization of Bitcoin assets and whether large scale institutional investment actually reduces the real use case of Bitcoin, especially in poorer countries.

But how much of this is really true under scrutiny? And what are the real impacts? What are the true incentives of these large funds? Is it all a big conspiracy?

Let’s examine what’s happening here.

The emotional response



Jason Deane
The Bitcoin Blog

I blog on things I am passionate about: Bitcoin, writing, money, life’s crazy turns and being a dad. Lover of learning, family and cheese. (