Is Bitcoin’s Price About to go Parabolic?

An unprecedented demand and supply shock is imminent

Jason Deane
The Bitcoin Blog


Image: Bitcoin in 2024? (Source: Author)

Over the last 48 trading days, the entire market narrative has been about the Bitcoin ETFs.

It’s even got to the point where mediocre weekend trading feels ‘boring’ and investors and traders alike eagerly await Monday mornings to see what Wall Street money piles into the asset class.

Who’d have thought it?

Of course, many decry this as a complete contradiction to the ideals of Bitcoin such as banking the unbanked or a store of value in a crumbling fiat world, but this is a red herring. Bitcoin can simultaneously serve both purposes without one affecting the other.

Bitcoin's integration into the Tradfi system is not only inevitable, it’s essential for the next phase of adoption and understanding to occur. It’s a good thing.

But it does mean we’re in uncharted territory now.

We’re about to see the impact of unlimited demand play out on an extremely limited supply asset for the very first time in history, right in front of our eyes.

Here’s the eye watering maths that tells us we need to buckle up and get ready.

Limited Supply — Part One



Jason Deane
The Bitcoin Blog

I blog on things I am passionate about: Bitcoin, writing, money, life’s crazy turns and being a dad. Lover of learning, family and cheese. (