What Will Happen When the Bitcoin ETF Is Approved?

Thanks to Cointelegraph, we now know for sure

Jason Deane
The Bitcoin Blog


Image: Snip, by author, of Google charts from October 16th 2023

Yesterday afternoon, I was busily tapping away at my much-loved (and, after many millions of mostly misspelled words, now slightly tatty) keyboard when a sudden movement in my peripheral vision caught my eye and forced me to look over at my left-most monitor.

That monitor constantly displays the current Bitcoin price in chart form, more specifically in what’s known as ‘one minute candles’.

A candle is the range in which the Bitcoin price trades at the beginning and end of the time range selected — in this case that measly sixty second snapshot — and its colour denotes whether it ended at a higher or lower price than when it started. It also uses a simple colour code; green for ending at a higher price than the one at opening and red for the ending at a lower price.

At the same time, the ‘wicks’, visible in the image below, denote the range that the selected asset traded at within the selected time period and the size of the candle itself covers the range in which the price moved.

Therefore, the combination of all these factors allows a very simple and visually pleasing ‘at-a-glance’ view of what’s going on in the market.



Jason Deane
The Bitcoin Blog

I blog on things I am passionate about: Bitcoin, writing, money, life’s crazy turns and being a dad. Lover of learning, family and cheese. (jasondeane@msn.com)