Competitive to Survival Mode — Here’s how Original Gamer Life Game Integrates Sci-Fi Elements

Original Gamer Life
Original Gamer Life
3 min readApr 16, 2024

Original Gamer Life General Manager Alex Starrett was the featured guest in the recent AMA episode hosted by CryptoBirds. The Telegram AMA happened last 05 March 2024. OGL GM Alex answered questions from the host and from the live community.

Check out the highlighted moments at the OGL x CryptoBirds AMA:

Kindly tell us about OGL, What is is all about. Also tell us about OGL Token Economy and how it’s value to the users also tell us about your revenue generation mechanisms.

Alex Starrett: Original Gamer Life is all about creative freedom, solid gameplay, and honest-to-God fun. We are currently working on getting the OGLife game released.

The OGLife game is an immersive, third-person shooter/sim with a heavy focus on player customization, with various game modes running from your typical 3v3 shooter akin to Valorant or Fortnite, to hardcore survival mode similar to ARK, to single-player campaign-driven stories, and the whole thing is wrapped in a 90’s Sci-Fi vibe.

The $OGL token is the currency of the OGL Economy and Ecosystem. The in-game currency is called TITANS. There will be reward mechanisms and opportunities for our followers and opportunities for value creation within the OGLife ecosystem.

For more $OGL and OGL gameplay details, you can check out our website at

Tell us more about tokenomics and also give us some form of confidence as regards to the security of $OGL.

Alex: There will be a total supply of 10 billion $OGL tokens to be distributed in various vesting periods. There will be farming and staking opportunities for $OGL. Users can purchase TITANs to buy in-game assets and transactions.

We value security when building our game and $OGL token. We do not believe in selling data and we are working within secure parameters to ensure data privacy and security.

You can read more about the $OGL token and our tokenomics on our website. Click here for more:

With the mention of earning $OGL for high-involvement activities and Titans currency for low-involvement daily tasks, can you elaborate on the economic model within OGLIFE and how it aims to incentivize user engagement while balancing the in-game economy?

Alex: Inside our game, $OGL can be used to purchase TITAN tokens (in-game currency) which will allow players to purchase skins, assets, and rare loot crates/upgrades.

The game is designed to incentivize the $OGL token holders. We are developing the functionality and use cases of $OGL. From transacting with in-game assets and trading $OGL tokens, we are looking to create a better gaming experience for our players that will translate to profitability for investors and partners.

Are there specific challenges or events within the survival mode that make it comparable to ARK’s hardcore survival experience?

Alex: Yes! in addition to the standards of survival (thirst, hunger, need for shelter, environmental impact) players will have to deal with the additional challenges of keeping themselves alive on an inhospitable, foreign planet. Surrounded by unknown creatures, and unfamiliar flora and fauna, Players will have to survive and thrive WITHOUT much of a field guide. We are extremely excited to show off this game mode!

How effective will the process be on low-end older devices? Can I play mobile games on both computers??

Alex: I feel very strongly about Accessibility, when it comes to gaming. I remember the frustration that came with having too weak a computer to play the newest games, and a lot of the time the issue seemed to stem from a lack of optimization. We will include a wide spectrum of graphical presets, and we intend to have the game be playable on as old/weak of hardware as is plausible. That said, we do not intend to release a “mobile” version of the game, aside from the companion app.



Original Gamer Life
Original Gamer Life

Original Gamer Life is a gameplay-first community focusing on game customization and player empowerment with a rewarding creator economy.