Official Original Gamer Life AMA: Introducing the OGLife Experience, the Play-to-Thrive Model, and $OGL Token Use Cases

Original Gamer Life
Original Gamer Life
7 min readDec 30, 2021

Original Gamer Life or OGLife, the Thriving-as-a-Service social impact ecosystem and gaming community, CEO and Retired US Air Force Major Bandon Sivret joined the Official OGLife AMA episode hosted by our moderator “@doctored” last 19 November 2021. Brandon answered questions regarding Original Gamer Life or OGLife as the Thriving-as-a-Service social impact ecosystem and gaming community, our goals, future IDO launch plans, and $OGL token sale details.

Details about the OGLife IDO launch date and launchpads will be posted soon. Follow us on Telegram for all the latest OGL updates:

Get to know more about Original Gamer Life in these highlights from the Official Original Gamer Life AMA episode below:


doctored: Let’s talk about Original Gamer Life (OGL) Can you introduce the project for those new or curious Brandon? Core features possibly that might interest some people?

Brandon Sivret: I love talking about OGLife and introducing our project to the community. Original Gamer Life is a Thriving-as-a-Service (TaaS) social impact ecosystem open to all gamers. OGLife is the first incubated project launched under the StrongNode Innovation Lab. At Original Gamer Life, we are a gaming community first and foremost, a Multiverse with content creation and a marketplace.

Here at OGL, we are dedicated in serving communities who need the most help to thrive, especially in the post-Covid era. We are on a mission to create a multiverse gaming community and streaming platform bringing 3 billion gamers to the crypto space and offering a trifecta of solutions: technology + game + community. Original Gamer Life reflects our passion for gaming and our vision in changing the lives of people and promoting health and wellness through playing video games. In OGLife, we PLAY to THRIVE.

As for the Original Gamer Life team, we have our own team in addition to StrongNode team as part of our overall ecosystem. We get access to all the resources of both projects including advisors and technology. There are other key members of the team like our OGL league ambassador, Abbe “DieHardBirdie” Borg and our recently announced OGL Committee Chair Vera Futorjanski.

We’ve also brought on some really smart and wonderful people in the marketing space. Evan Kubes on our Marketing team has built an amazing company that deals with 700 of the biggest influencers in gaming. Kim Salzer worked with EA to launch The Sims Online and helped Activision Blizzard take Call of Duty from a WWII focused series to the modern smash hit that we all know today.

One could say that I’ve been working on this my entire life as a gamer. I’ve been running gaming communities my whole life and as a guild leader I’ve always wanted to incentivize and reward those who contributed in different ways. Through OGLife, I can provide monetary rewards and we can earn as individuals, but also as a guild or a clan inside of OGLife. It’s the platform I’ve always wanted to create and now crypto enables me to do that. We wanted to build a community and build a positive experience that will benefit everyone in the OGLife platform.


doctored: No better concept for a community than something that promotes social interaction, and bonding while providing you opportunities to earn. Can you provide us some examples of how someone would yield rewards interacting with OGL?

Brandon: There are lots of ways to earn rewards including tipping in the sense of what you would find on Twitch and we give guild leaders an opportunity to create their own incentive program within their guilds. You can also earn by completing health and wellness tasks. Staking and farming as part of our governance structure is also possible. Exchanging NFTs in our marketplace is yet another.

And to tie it all in to StrongNode, while running the OGLife app, you’ll be earning $SNE, so what makes us unique is the fact you’ll be earning multiple tokens while you participate.

doctored | WILL NOT DM FIRST: So, you’re telling me that I can spend 12 hours a day playing games with my friends without feeling like I’m wasting my time?

Brandon: That’s exactly what I’m telling you! Play-to-Thrive combines the Play to Earn and Free to Play models.

doctored: Just to iron out the details so everyone understands, you mention earning. Is this where the $OGL tokens comes into play? How will it be used

Brandon: Yes, $OGL is our token and will be used in all the methods I mentioned previously. You can also use it in our Marketplace to buy games, skins, premium services, discounts with partners, and to exchange NFTs.

doctored: Sounds cohesive and easy to interact with, I love nothing more than something simple. What should our community expect in the next weeks and months? Any exclusive news you want to share?

Brandon (@StrategyBro is my only account): Exclusive news? Well, we’ve already begun building the 3D world for OGLife. I have some screenshots of the interface, the first home lot, and some other locations you’ll be able to visit. We’re bringing the multi-user server up this weekend for further testing as well.

We’ll have the 2D interface rolling out first, but as I said, dev has already started.

Explaining the Original Gamer Life Experience

doctored: If you could help curious investors understand the OGL experience, how would you summarize it? What it’s like from the moment you start to the moment you log off

Brandon: It’ll feel like any other game experience where you register an account, but with a KYC step added for compliance. You can come in through the mobile app, desktop client, or browser. Each will have their own user experience, but all of them interact with the same world. If you just want a simple 2D web interface like Netflix or Twitch, you’ll be able to interact that way. If you want the full 3D environment, just launch the mobile app or the desktop client.

A typical day in the life of … an OG … starts with you logging into your home whether that is in the game environment or on the web similar to how Facebook starts. You can interact with objects in your home or head outside to visit your friends or travel to other public places. We’ll allow users to quick travel to features or experience them in the game world depending upon their preferred method of navigation.

In order to earn, you can pull down your task list, check out the tasks that might consist of completing your daily workout routine, taking medications as outlined by your healthcare provider, reading an article, watching a video, taking a short online class on a variety of topics, or a myriad of other tasks and then claim your $OGL reward.

After that you might head on over to the Factory and take a look at your staking and farming in a gamified layout watching your tokens come out of a machine, head down the conveyor belt into another machine that is receiving another token to pump out another reward token on the other end. We’ll use this system to help demonstrate how these mechanics work to non-crypto users.

Later on you might head over to an influencer’s club and hang out with them while they’re streaming a game or join your friends for some on platform games with your own video chat going in a bar somewhere that one of you owns and customized.

Once you’re done there, you could head over to the Arcade and pull up emulated retro games where the licensing fee to play them is paid in $OGL. One of the biggest issues emulators face is the licensing issues, but we’ve solved that by allowing the license owners to collect micro fees for each play on our platform and giving you access to some of your favorite OG games.

Checking out the marketplace might reveal a new NFT you’ve been waiting for or could have some $OGL waiting for you based on a sale you just made for an NFT you listed earlier.

Maybe you’re hosting a Dungeons and Dragons session that weekend, but need a new Monster Manual. Head on over to the shop and spend some $OGL, check out, and then wait for it to show up on your doorstep IRL.

Or if you’re a tabletop miniatures gamer, maybe you buy the rulebook as an NFT so you can have it wherever you go.

We’re working on some exclusive partnerships in the tabletop gaming space that will bring them into the crypto world, so be on the lookout for that.

I believe that’s a fairly well rounded explanation of the OGLife experience for now, on the platform itself, but keep in mind we’ll also support DeFi and conventional games, so being able to fire up Xbox or PC games is also supported by hosting guilds, clans, servers, and other opportunities in addition to our apps as well.

doctored: Quarantine really did a number on us as a society, and some just still aren’t going outside. Isolation is becoming a real concern. What in particular about OGLife will help to foster a sense of unity that other gaming communities are lacking?

Brandon: This comes with experience. All the Officers and Mods in any of my communities can probably quote you my mantra, “activity begets activity.” I always harp on getting into the games, building relationships, giving people a reason to be there. We’ve built a lot of roleplaying communities on top of other games because sometimes the game lacks compelling features or mechanics. We make our own fun in those instances.

We also insist on a positive environment and experience. There’s a lot of toxicity in gaming and after a while it just gets old an tiresome. While we don’t police people’s action, we do everything to build a positive culture and environment. I do that online in gaming and offline in the retail game store that I own here in town.




Original Gamer Life
Original Gamer Life

Original Gamer Life is a gameplay-first community focusing on game customization and player empowerment with a rewarding creator economy.