Quick Rundown on Security, Benefits, and Building an Inclusive Community in the OGLife Multi-Metaverse

Original Gamer Life
Original Gamer Life
3 min readJan 11, 2023

Gaming community hub, NFT marketplace, and multi-metaverse platform Original Gamer Life or OGLife Lead Game Developer Carlos Bott attended the AMA episode with Global Crypto Paradise. The AMA episode happened on 28 November 2022 at the Global Crypto Paradise Telegram group. Carlos answered questions from the hosts and the community regarding the OGLife multi-metaverse platform, upcoming $OGL IDO launch plans, security measures in the platform, and more.

Some of the moments from the Original Gamer Life and Global Crypto Paradise AMA episode can be found below:

How has the experience and background of your team been effective in the success of your project so far?

Carlos Bott: Being able to work with a top-notch team and game devs and to incorporate a trifecta of solutions (technology + game + community) into the OGLife platform is already a milestone in itself.

Our CEO and Co-founder is Daniel Saito. Daniel Saito is serving as the CEO of both StrongNode and Original Gamer Life and alongside our CTO Colin Charles. They both contributed to the $1B exit of MySQL and then went on to create MariaDB, two of the most widely used technologies for anyone that uses databases for anything including game development.

We have a global team, with members and advisors from Asia, US, Europe, and more. In addition to the executive team, we also have added some incredibly talented members to the game development team. Finally, our OGLife League Ambassador and Chief Gaming Officer is Abbe “DieHardBirdie” Borg, the oldest Counter-Strike: Global Offensive senior world champion.

Lucky to have all of our team members working behind the scenes to deliver the OGLife platform and $OGL. Our team is working hard on finalizing the details for our $OGL IDO launch with major announcements happening soon in the coming weeks.

Could you share a bit about security and also what benefits you provide to incentives user’s choosing your platform?

Carlos Bott: Security is of the utmost importance for us and for pretty much every project out there. We’ve had Certik review and audit our smart contract. For additional security measure on the OGLife platform and game, we will be using industry standard anti-cheat and hacking tools used by Fortnite, Valorant, and others.

We also have a very talented team from StrongNode, such as our CEO Daniel Saito, and our CTO Colin Charles, assisting with making sure everything is secure internally. These gentlemen have many years of experience in the field. I also have over 35 years of experience developing games and working for some very heavy hitters such as MLB, Lowe’s, Target, and Walmart, so I know a thing or two about security.

In terms of benefits, the OGLife platform will provide a more sustainable model for gaming. Gamers will be able to generate revenue by playing the game in the OGLife platform.

Here at OGLife, we wanted to create a safe, secure, and inclusive community for gamers on our OGLife Multi-Metaverse platform. We are open to ALL, gamers with little to no crypto knowledge, and even non-gamers that are seeking for ways to earn and thrive while doing games and activities that help improve one’s overall health and well-being.




Original Gamer Life
Original Gamer Life

Original Gamer Life is a gameplay-first community focusing on game customization and player empowerment with a rewarding creator economy.