Call for Submissions to a Publication that Welcomes Original Philosophy

Between the hazardous rocks of Scylla and Charybdis lies a passage to new vistas.

Douglas Giles, PhD
Original Philosophy
5 min readJun 14, 2022


(Source: yayimages)

Please read the entirety of this article to understand our publication’s philosophy and submission requirements.

Also: keep in mind that I don’t publish two articles in a day and I don’t work weekends. So please be patient.

The Original Vision

It is an idea I have had for awhile, but a recent lunch with an academic colleague brought home how much the idea is needed. “Academia is a factory” my colleague said, “we are forced to work on and publish on certain topics and churn out acceptable conclusions. We aren’t free to pursue ideas.”

I know how true this is, and it is a big reason why I have chosen the career path I have. The world needs more philosophy, and philosophy needs to be free and open — open to all people and open to meaningful exploration of ideas, not just what is politically acceptable.

That’s the Scylla of corporatized academia: the Ivory Tower in which originality and innovation are discouraged. It is not, sorry to say, a true meritocracy. The number of spots…



Douglas Giles, PhD
Original Philosophy

Philosopher by trade & temperament, professor for 21 years, bringing philosophy out of its ivory tower and into everyday life.