Fleeting Moments: Day 4

Elise Welburn Martin
Original Reveries
Published in
2 min readSep 14, 2016

Okay, my moments today really centered around getting ready to give advice to someone and having a flashback of them not responding very well to advice in the past! I had that image in my head of their face when I started talking. What did it cause me to do? Well I gave the advice, but I started with a caution about me getting ready to say something they might not like, but to understand I was saying it because I care, not to make them mad.

So, the advice was given and while I sat there waiting for the response, I remembered past conversations that were rough. Those images flashed through my mind and I hoped this conversation would be different. He sat there for a long time and I could see his mind spinning. Finally, he responded to me with something he never had said before. He told me he was going to really think about what I said, but he wasn’t going to react and give me an answer he didn’t mean just to get me to go away.

My next fleeting moment? Complete delight! He has really grown up. He is responding like a man, not a little kid. He is turning into a thoughtful, careful, less reactionary person. One who takes the time to think through his initial gut reactions and what he believes about things before doing or saying anything. He isn’t trying anymore to avoid topics that are hard, and he isn’t just saying something to get me to leave him alone! That Mom moment was awesome! It made me feel so proud as a parent.



Elise Welburn Martin
Original Reveries

Writer, Photographer and Life-long Learner. I love exploring life, and writing about it. I write every day because it is part of my heart and soul.