Percepta: Jonathan Mak

Claire Pan
Published in
3 min readJul 24, 2020

A recent college graduate is creating ethical artificial intelligence for socially responsible retail.

What inspired you to start your venture?

We automate shoplifting detection by performing real-time computer vision analysis on live stream CCTV camera feeds in stores. We are able to complete the task in a manner that protects the shopper’s privacy and mitigates against the racial and gender biases that humans and other AI based solutions have.

Philippe, who is my Co-Founder through this journey, has a strong background in computer vision. We had collaborated on a few projects before, and we worked well together. We had always heard about the ethical issues surrounding AI, and so we wanted to innovate a piece of technology that would combat this issue. At Percepta, our goal is to ensure that all of the subjects in the video were protected and anonymized. We realized there is a huge demand for this technology in the retail and security space, so we decided to commercialize our product.

What is the toughest part of being a student founder?

As a student founder, it is hard to balance your time. You need to ensure that you are healthy and still socializing with others because it is important to take care of yourself. It is definitely challenging to manage your priorities. Moreover, I think there can be a lot of baggage calling yourself a founder. I would rather think of it as working on a project I care about with others.

What drives you to work so hard on building your venture?

Since we are working on a pressing issue on both a technical and non-technical level, I enjoy building our product as I see the need for it. It is necessary to work on an issue that can impact others. I truly enjoy working with the team. We have cultivated an atmosphere where we can constantly support each other through this building process. Not wanting to let them down is also a large motivating factor for me.

When was the time you failed and what did you gain from the experience?

During my sophomore year of college, I took on several additional responsibilities. I was enrolled in difficult coursework, became a TA, and held leadership positions in several organizations. I became really burned out, and it was a challenging semester for me. I wish I had spent more time with my friends. I failed to prioritize my time and reflect on what was important for me. It was a learning experience for me because I learned a lot about balance, which ultimately makes you perform better overall.e. I also recognized the importance of having some time to unwind.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Take more time for yourself. Be sure to smell the roses. Do not be so intense. There is no reason to strive to become a perfectionist.

When you were growing up, what was an assumption you had about the world that ended up being incorrect?

I assumed that adults had their lives figured out. However, over time, I realized that I was completely wrong. No one has figured it out. People may act as if they do, but they really do not. Everything in life takes a combination of both time and effort.

About Jonathan:

Jonathan graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, where he majored in Computer Science, and is now pursuing his Masters in Computer Science. From a young age, Jonathan was drawn to the field of science and originally aspired to be an archaeologist due to his interest in natural history. Jonathan also serves as a Venture Partner at Contrary Capital, a university-focused venture fund that identifies early-career entrepreneurs.

Transcribed by Reva Jariwala, ORIGIN Content Manager

