10 New Members Join the Trace Alliance

Published in
5 min readAug 10, 2018

The Trace Alliance, initiated by OriginTrail, is a collaborative hub of companies, organizations, individuals, and institutions aimed at facilitating the adoption of blockchain technologies in global supply chains. On July 29, the Trace Alliance website was launched and more than 30 first members of the hub were revealed. Less than two weeks after launching the website, we are delighted to announce that 10 new members were admitted to the Trace Alliance.

Trace Alliance Application Process

Organizations interested in joining the Trace Alliance can submit their application easily via this website form. Since the website launch, the Trace Alliance has received many applications from interested parties all around the globe. After taking all the applications into consideration, the Trace Alliance governance committee admitted 10 companies to become new members.

Tomaž Levak, Steering Committee member and co-founder and CEO of OriginTrail, welcomed new members:

“We are delighted to receive an overwhelming response to launching the Trace Alliance. This level of industry interest proves that many different actors can come together to benefit each other by transferring knowledge, sharing experiences and solving supply chain challenges by utilizing the blockchain and the OriginTrail protocol. There is very little applied knowledge out there that businesses and organization could use to build their blockchain knowledge. All Trace Alliance members are pioneers of blockchain technologies and industry leaders in their field of expertise, or well on their way to getting there. We are eager to share more updates about Trace Alliance activities soon.”

Meet The New Trace Alliance Members

The Trace Alliance is an organization that connects enterprises, service providers, research institutions and developers who are actively working on solving supply chain challenges with blockchain technology. Starting with those who have already developed a pilot based on OriginTrail technology, the newly minted members of the organizations are:

  1. Entobel (Animal Feed, 🇻🇳) — Entobel supplies innovative and sustainable feed ingredients made from insects. Entobel has developed a bioconversion model based on what nature has done for millions of years. By converting low-value biomass into high-grade products, Entobel is tapping into a more sustainable source of animal feed. Read the use case here.
  2. DunavNET (IoT & Digital Transformation, 🇷🇸& 🇮🇪) — DunavNET helps companies to digitize their business through the use of IoT and cloud technologies. The company designs, implements and provides turnkey IoT solutions for agriculture, cities, manufacturing, retail and other sectors. DunavNET was involved in making smart tags for a wine pilot project with Plantaže. It is also the leading consortium partner in the EU-wide IoT project TagItSmart, including Unilever, Siemens, and Fujitsu among partners.
  3. Journey Foods (Food Technology, Data Merging, & Managing Dynamic Maps & IoT services / PoETs, 🇺🇸) — Journey Foods makes smart food, packaging & uses blockchain technology to reshape our relationship with food consumption.
  4. NorthBlock Group (Cryptocurrency Markets and Blockchain Use Cases, 🇨🇦) — The company is aiming to bridge the gap between traditional markets and blockchain startups in order to benefit the best of both worlds.
  5. MVP Workshop (Blockchain Development & Advisory, 🇷🇸) — MVP combines years of product experience, everyday building, defining, and growing products using disruptive technology. They are pioneers of the safest email in the world, powered by Ethereum and IPFS. They work on developing their own solutions and serve clients as well.
  6. Global Line Network (Software Development, 🇲🇾) — This is a holding company consisting of a group of programmers who are client–focused, providing a sales and distribution platform (PaaS) to clients that require an enterprise-grade solution. They have developed a tracking platform for some of our customers like HP and Neffos.
  7. Alba Logistics (Management Consulting, 🇮🇪) — Their consulting philosophy is based around the idea that the client must be measurably better off in terms of the business outcomes that really matter such as growth, productivity, customer retention, quality, and compliance. Their client base consists of international companies such as Pepsico, BRAUN, and Schering-Plough.
  8. Blockmatrix IT Solutions (Retail, Logistics, Entertainment, & Healthcare, 🇮🇳) — Blockmatrix is focused on providing services on cutting edge technologies like Blockchain, AI, IOT and AR/VR with the goal of becoming industry leaders in providing cutting edge solutions that would revolutionize the modern day approach.
  9. Dockflow (Logistics & Supply Chain, 🇧🇪) — An Antwerp-based startup reinventing trade for the digital era. They strive for a transition from traditional supply chains to interconnected sets of agile and dynamic trade networks.
  10. LOGYCA / INVESTIGACION (Research & Implementation, 🇨🇴) — A non-profit organization aiming to generate new knowledge in supply chain management. They have a partnership with the Transportation and Logistics Center of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to create the Latin American Logistics Innovation Center (CLI).

At the moment, there are 41 members in the Trace Alliance. The excitement of growing the membership base can only be improved by getting positive feedback from companies that they are getting high value added out of their membership. This is why, in the upcoming week, the Trace Alliance team will focus on engaging with members. We will keep on reviewing the applications weekly, but our next progress report on the Trace Alliance will also include an overview of activities.

Meanwhile, companies, individuals, and organizations are still welcome to apply for membership on the Trace Alliance website. We will resolve all applications within 7 days upon receiving them.


About the Trace Alliance

The Trace Alliance is a non-profit association initiated by OriginTrail as a collaborative hub to connect all organizations aiming to work together to solve complex supply chain challenges using blockchain technology. Examples of the challenges the alliance intents to tackle include data interoperability, securing product visibility and fighting counterfeit practices. The Trace Alliance acts as a unique platform for sharing knowledge and experience from real-world blockchain implementations, connecting with other members, creating new expertise, and facilitating the adoption of blockchain technology on a global level.

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