Dive into Decentralized Knowledge Graph development through the refreshed OriginTrail tech resources

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2 min readAug 6, 2021

We are excited to share the revamped OriginTrail Decentralized Knowledge Graph technical resources! The new updated documentation hub contains more detailed information on the DKG, updated developer materials, tutorials and a collection of the latest and greatest created by the OriginTrail community.

This update is part of the wider efforts around the OriginTrail evangelist program, which aims to provide additional materials, support and guidance to application developers and system integrators using the decentralized knowledge graph. We aim to make this a one stop shop for anyone wanting to “get their hands dirty” with OriginTrail development, as well as existing DKG developers, node runners or anyone wanting to learn more about the inner workings of the DKG.

This is only the first version however — expect the documentation hub to consistently grow and improve over time. Part of the revamp was the decision to move to Gitbook as one of the best tools for technical documentation available today, which sources all the content from our Github repo. It is now easier than ever to collaboratively create the best community resource on the DKG, and from the start it has been created by the community together with the core team — shoutout to Milian for helping coordinate this effort!

Check out the new docs and let us know how it looks. Do you think something is missing? Have ideas for improvement, or are just really annoyed by that typo you found? Become a distinguished contributor by providing pull requests, feedback via Github issues or updates on the repo yourself!

Trace on!

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OriginTrail is the Decentralized Knowledge Graph that organizes AI-grade knowledge assets, making them discoverable & verifiable for sustainable global economy.