DNA and DKG: The guardians of real-world asset integrity

Trace Labs
Published in
12 min readDec 21, 2023

This year has seen a booming expansion for the potential of counterfeits with the mainstream adoption of the great enabler — generative artificial intelligence (GenAI). The impact of GenAI spans across digital and physical worlds and is already causing very tangible losses. As a result, we’ve seen Association of Photographers representatives calling for the introduction of smarter laws while others, like Sarah Silverman, found enough ground in the current legal framework to launch a lawsuit against OpenAI for their large language model implementation ChatGPT. The impact of GenAI will be immense and it can significantly enhance counterfeit problems such as stealing intellectual property (IP) and lowering transparency across markets. Adding that to the already booming real-world counterfeit problem (estimated 10% counterfeit drugs globally, up to 50% of artworks suspected to be forgeries, $10–15 billion annual damages in the food and beverages industry …), there is a clear need to bring more powerful tools to counteract these trends and protect the innovators, artist, creators, and other IP owners. We should not show up with a knife to a gunfight.

That is why Trace Labs — core developers of OriginTrail — and DATANA, the flagship project of BioSistemika, have inked a solution partnership in which DNA and Decentralized Knowledge Graph technologies are combined to deliver effective authenticity-focused solutions for many sectors, such as supply chains, real-world assets (RWAs), art, and many more.

Source: DATANA

Unparalleled real-world asset (RWA) integrity with DNA and DKG

The fusion of DNA Data Storage (DDS) technology with Decentralized Knowledge Graph (DKG) offers a disruptive approach to real-world assets (RWAs) authenticity verification, especially for high-value items. DDS is the process by which binary information is encoded into a sequence of nucleotides and synthesized to form synthetic data-carrying DNA molecules, which are then stored accordingly. Much like the unique DNA makeup of every person, consumer products can be outfitted with synthetically produced DNA tags unique to every unit, batch, or brand. These miniature DNA particles, or DNA tags, can be embedded in products or packaging, providing unique, tamper-proof identifiers, making counterfeiting extremely challenging. These tags can accompany and protect the authenticity of any physical RWA throughout its entire lifecycle. This can be achieved as the DNA is very hard to destroy, can be very well hidden, and has incredible storage capabilities so we need microscopically little of it (e.g. entire world’s data fits in a water bottle of DNA).

However, data in the DNA is not that easy to read and it cannot be frequently updated, which might be required and desired for many products. This is where the DKG steps in. By putting a smart anchor in the DNA and applying the global standard GS1 Digital Link on the product, we create a physical-to-digital connection that leads to extending the capabilities of the DNA tag. The DKG allows the product owner to add any additional information to it (about the production process, ingredients, quality parameters, ownership experiences).

Source: DATANA

All the information kept in the DKG has an owner and cannot be tampered with, giving the required digital protection. This protection extends towards the GenAI tools as well, as the DKG offers known sources that the GenAI can use and reference (see the Trusted AI framework implementation here).

Looking towards the future, this technology could revolutionize sectors like luxury goods, where authenticity is paramount. In pharmaceuticals, it could be the backbone for verifying the legitimacy of drugs, combating counterfeit medicines that pose substantial risk to public health. In the food and beverage industry, it could ensure the origin and quality of organic or premium products, while in the art world, the powerful combination of technologies could authenticate artworks and historical artifacts.

DNA as a next-gen tool for authenticity verification

DNA-based tracking and authenticity verification offer a sophisticated and secure method for protecting real-world assets, leveraging the unique nature of DNA sequences. Products can be tagged using synthetic DNA markers modified to encode digital data, which are applied through various methods such as microscopic particles, direct surface application, integration into materials, or embedding in packaging. With its multiple and growing use cases, the DNA production industry is now advancing at an exponential rate.

Source: DATANA

Benefits of DNA tagging systems

Using DNA for authenticity verification is a cutting-edge approach that leverages the unique and tamper-proof nature of DNA sequences. Here is how it can be implemented:

  1. DNA Tagging: Products can be tagged with synthetic DNA markers that are uniquely designed and nearly impossible to replicate. These markers can be applied to various products like luxury goods, pharmaceuticals, or agricultural products. The DNA sequences used are typically non-biological, meaning they do not come from living organisms but are artificially created.
  2. Traceability: As products move through the supply chain, the DNA tag remains with them. This allows for the tracking of goods from the point of origin to the end consumer. At any stage of the supply chain, a sample of the DNA tag can be collected and analyzed.
  3. Verification and Authentication: To verify the authenticity of a product, a small sample of the DNA tag is extracted and analyzed.
  4. Simple and Covert Application: DNA tags can easily be applied to products in various covert forms (*see next section), preventing counterfeiters from detecting, replacing, or removing them.
  5. Enhanced Encoding: Advanced DNA tagging systems also allow encoding significantly more data (metadata, media, etc.) into the tag itself, compared to alternative tracking forms (e.g. QR codes, barcodes). For example, a typical QR code can store roughly 1 kb of data, whereas a DNA tag can store up to 1MB of data (1000x more).
  6. Regulatory Compliance and Quality Control: In industries like pharmaceuticals and food, DNA tagging can help ensure compliance with regulatory standards and improve quality control processes. This method is particularly valuable for high-value or sensitive products where authenticity and origin are crucial. The technology is advancing rapidly, making it more accessible and cost-effective for various industries.

The application of DNA tags to products can vary depending on the type of product, the intended use of the tagging, and the durability required. Here are some common methods of applying DNA tags:

  1. Integration into Product Materials: For some products, DNA tags can be integrated into the material itself during the manufacturing process. This could involve adding DNA to plastics, textiles, or paper. For example, high-value clothing or documents can have DNA integrated into their fabric or paper.
  2. Incorporation in Ink or Printing: DNA can be mixed with inks used for printing on products or their packaging. This method is useful for products that are already undergoing a printing process, such as packaged goods, books, or official documents.
  3. Microscopic Particles or Encapsulation: DNA can be encapsulated in microscopic particles that are then applied to the product. These particles can be mixed into paints, varnishes, or adhesives that are then applied to the product’s surface. This method is often used for high-value items like artworks, electronics, or luxury goods.
  4. Direct Application to Product Surfaces: In some cases, the DNA solution can be directly applied to the surface of the product. This could be through spraying, brushing, or immersing the product in the DNA solution. It is commonly used for products where the appearance is not a primary concern, or where the solution can be applied in an inconspicuous area.
  5. Embedding in Packaging or Labels: DNA tags can be incorporated into the product’s packaging or labels. This is a less invasive method and is particularly useful for products where direct application of DNA might be impractical or could affect the product’s quality or integrity, such as food products or pharmaceuticals.
  6. Coating with DNA-Infused Films: Products can be coated with a thin film that contains the DNA tag. This method is useful for a wide range of products, including electronics, automotive parts, and various consumer goods.
  7. Injection into Products: In some cases, especially for large or solid items, the DNA tag can be injected into the product. This method ensures that the DNA is present inside the product, making it difficult to remove or tamper with.
  8. Edible DNA Tags: For food products, edible DNA tags have been developed. These are safe for consumption and can be applied directly to the food or mixed into the food product during processing.
Source: DATANA

Encoding DKG into DNA sequences: bridging digital and physical

Combining DNA tagging and OriginTrail technology can create a robust tool for enhanced supply chain tracking and authenticity verification for RWAs. Here is a brief overview of how these two technologies can be integrated:

  1. Assembling the Relevant Identifiers: The OriginTrail DKG enables connecting various identifiers across the entire product lifecycle to create a digital twin. These can include decentralized identities (DIDs), uniform asset locators or UALs (similar to URLs), and cryptographic proofs of the data (i.e. hashes) for immutability.
  2. Encoding DKG into DNA Sequences: Depending on the product, tamper-proof data from the DKG (such as UALs) are then encoded into short, synthetic DNA sequences, which are “stitched” together in DATANA’s DNA writer. The initial encoding process translates the digital information into the biological sequence of DNA (A, T, C, G). Then, the physical DNA molecule is synthesized in a process that involves carefully mixing thousands of microscopic droplets containing the DNA building blocks at extreme speeds. Each mixture of droplets represents a unique biochemical reaction, resulting in the elongation of the data-coding DNA chain.
  3. DNA Tagging: Synthetic DNA sequences, serving as trusted links to the DKG, are administered to the product as DNA tags, anchoring the connection between the product and the DKG digital twin. The selection of the DNA application method (microscopic particles, direct surface application, integration into materials or packaging, etc.) is contingent upon the product’s characteristics and the chosen implementation approach. Products undergo tagging with synthetic DNA markers employing diverse techniques like microscopic particles, direct surface application, integration into materials, or embedding in packaging. These distinctive DNA sequences are intentionally crafted to be tamper-proof and are exceptionally challenging to replicate.
  4. Traceability and Verification: Throughout the supply chain journey, the DNA tag stays linked with the product. At any stage in the supply chain, it is possible to collect a sample of the DNA tag, followed by an analysis to extract the encoded data. As products progress through the supply chain, the DNA tag remains connected to them within the OriginTrail DKG. The interlinked knowledge assets construct a thorough and accessible record of the product’s voyage, incorporating details about manufacturing, transportation, storage, and sale.
  5. DKG Verification: Retrieving digital data from DNA involves sequencing the DNA, translating its nucleotide sequence back to the original binary code. DNA sequencing is a rapidly advancing technology routinely used in molecular biology and genome sequencing. The DKG data extracted from the DNA sample undergoes comparison with what is stored on the OriginTrail DKG. If the two align, the product is confirmed as authentic, affirming that the information in the DKG aligns with the physical product. Authenticity verification involves collecting a small DNA tag sample from the product, followed by analysis using techniques like Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) to confirm its match with the original DNA sequence stored in the OriginTrail DKG.
  6. Privacy and Ownership: OriginTrail DKG provides options for configuring privacy settings, and guaranteeing secure management of sensitive data, including the details about the placement of DNA tags and other product information. Verifiable transfer of ownership, encompassing the DNA-tagged identifiers ensures transparency and accountability.
  7. Ensuring Data Integrity: The integrity of the product information is maintained through cryptographic hashing on the blockchain within the OriginTrail DKG, ensuring that the last state can be verified.
  8. AI-powered product interaction: DKG makes all the product information AI-ready, easily connecting to the constantly advancing AI tools. It allows users to interact with information through questions and prompts that are most relevant to them — learning more about the brand history, production process, ingredients quality or DNA protection on their products. All the responses such an AI-powered system provides are based on inputs from the DKG. AI based semantic search solutions can be developed to simplify and enhance the interaction with trusted product information on the DKG.
Source: DATANA

Vision of the future

From high costs and complexity in implementation, to the technological requirements, and the potential stability issues of DNA tags under different environmental conditions, the real-world use case of DNA-based tracking and authenticity verification in protecting real-world assets is, however, not without its limitations.

Overcoming these aforementioned limitations demands collaborations between leading ecosystem players, with each leveraging their expertise for mutual and collective benefits. The partnership between OriginTrail and DATANA is exactly that. With the coming together of DKG technology and DNA-based tracking, we are poised to usher in a new age for product authenticity, where DNA is used to store humanity’s most important knowledge, and enshrined as assets on the DKG.

OriginTrail and DATANA are already working on a live solution, and we are excited to showcase this at the GS1 Global Forum in Brussels in February 2024. In the meantime, if you share our vision of supercharging the protection of real-world assets, valuable products, or supply chains, feel free to get in touch!

About OriginTrail

OriginTrail is an ecosystem building decentralized knowledge infrastructure for artificial intelligence (AI). With the mission of tackling misinformation, which is exacerbated with AI adoption, OriginTrail enables verifiably tracking origins of information, discoverability, and integrity of knowledge to enable trusted AI. It has various applications in the domains of real-world assets (RWAs), search and recommendation engines, question-answering systems, and generally knowledge-dependent applications (such as AI systems).

OriginTrail’s initial adoption was in global supply chains, serving as a trusted hub for supply chain data sharing, allowing customers to authenticate and track products and keep these operations secure. In recent years, the rise of AI has not only created unprecedented opportunities for progress but also amplified the challenge of misinformation. OriginTrail also addresses this by functioning as an ecosystem focused on building a trusted knowledge infrastructure for AI in two ways — driving discoverability of the world’s most important knowledge and enabling the verifiable origin of the information. The adoption of OriginTrail in various enterprise solutions underscores the technology’s growing relevance and impact across diverse industries including real-world asset tokenization (RWAs), the construction industry, supply chains, healthcare, metaverse, and others.

OriginTrail is creating a Verifiable Web for decentralized AI by empowering world-class brands and builders. It utilizes its unique Decentralized Knowledge Graph and OriginTrail Parachain to deliver AI-powered search and solutions for enterprises and individuals worldwide.

OriginTrail has gained support and partnerships with world-class organizations such as British Standards Institution, SCAN, Polkadot, Parity, Walmart, World Federation of Hemophilia, Oracle, and the EU Commission’s Next Generation Internet. These partnerships contribute to advancing OriginTrail’s trusted knowledge foundation and its applicability in trillion-dollar industries while providing a verifiable web of knowledge important in particular to drive the economies of RWAs.

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BioSistemika, the parent company of the DATANA project, is on a mission to revolutionize digital data storage with the DNA molecule as the next-generation data storage medium. The company is looking to introduce the first commercial solution for sustainable, cost-efficient, and rapid writing of digital data to DNA.

DNA data storage offers groundbreaking benefits in terms of storage density, data safety, stability, and replicability. Its storage density is unparalleled, with a gram capable of holding up to 215 petabytes of data, vastly surpassing traditional electronic storage. This makes DNA an efficient solution for space-constrained data centers.

In terms of data safety and stability, DNA is resistant to many vulnerabilities like electromagnetic interference and can retain information accurately for millennia, ideal for long-term archival and supply chain tracking purposes. This stability ensures data safety over extended periods, far exceeding the capabilities of current storage media.

Furthermore, DNA’s replicability is a significant advantage. It allows for the creation of numerous, identical copies of data at a molecular level, ensuring high-fidelity backups and easy dissemination. This feature guarantees that data can be preserved and accessed reliably over long periods, making DNA data storage a promising technology for managing the growing volume of digital information in our world.

DATANA has been recognized by the EU and the European Innovation Council, receiving funding through three major R&D grants, totaling over €5 million. Additionally, in January 2023, they successfully collaborated with Bitstamp, a pioneering cryptocurrency exchange, storing and retrieving private keys and seed phrases of a cryptocurrency wallet in and from DNA, showcasing the readiness and reliability of their technology for commercialization.

Their proprietary benchtop “DNA writer” is suitable for commercial production of synthetic data-coding DNA , including DNA tags. By leveraging their technology, they can store over 1MB of data in product tags, substantially surpassing the current storage capacity of QR codes and other product markers.



Trace Labs

Trusted network applications for business communities of the future. Core development company of the @origin_trail protocol. #connectthedots