Introducing 39 Open Call Projects That Will Compete for Your Vote

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4 min readNov 28, 2018

The team is happy to introduce you to 39 wonderful projects that took part in OriginTrail’s open call and successfully passed the initial screening by the external committee. Meet the variety of high-potential projects that will compete to become the top 10 finalists.

The competition was fierce, but we only proceeded with projects that have what it takes to use the OriginTrail Decentralized Network.

We were glad to have received a lot of applications. Out of many projects interested in the open call that took part in the application process, only 39 convinced our external committee and team members of their eligibility to be introduced to our community. We asked the chairman of Trace Alliance and external committee member John G. Keogh what he thought of the applicants:

“We are thrilled with the incredible response to our first open call and received scores of submissions from all over the world. There are so many incredible projects and talented teams with great ideas who want to change the world for the better. Our external committee members, acting as judges, are all seasoned executives who completed a first-pass review of the proposals. This validation check ensures that we applied a consistent evaluation methodology to select the final candidates. The competition was very tight and the judges’ decisions were difficult. But, we are comfortable that we have chosen the teams who will gain significant benefit from the OriginTrail ecosystem by launching their innovative solutions on the OriginTrail protocol.”

Here Are the 39 Projects That Will Be Put to OriginTrail’s Community Vote

These are the open call applicants that convinced the external committee and the team and will have a chance to become one of the top 10 finalists voted on by the OriginTrail community:

You can also explore the projects on the website at

Over the next two and a half weeks, the teams will work on an introduction video, and prepare additional documents and resources for their introductory page. They all hope to win the hearts and minds of our community, in addition to winning these cool prizes:

Most of the teams work in supply chain-related fields. These are the categories of the selected projects:

Projects are aware that participating at OriginTrail’s open call is a commitment. Many of them will give their best efforts to promote the project to our community. We will stand by them by giving them resources, assistance, and encouragement to shine the brightest. The results of demo page preparations will be unveiled at the end of December. Remember the open call timeline?

Our sincere congratulations to all the projects that have made it this far.

Trace on their progress! :)

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OriginTrail is the Decentralized Knowledge Graph that organizes AI-grade knowledge assets, making them discoverable & verifiable for sustainable global economy.