Meet the 10 Open Call Winning Teams

Published in
3 min readFeb 7, 2019

The Open Call voting is now finished. Here are the top 10 projects that received the most votes from our community of Tracers:

Congratulations! 🎉

See the full leaderboard.

A big thank you to all the teams that applied to our Open Call. We were impressed to see such a variety of projects, with a large set of use cases on how to utilize OriginTrail Decentralized Network to ensure the data integrity for supply chain management, supply chain integrity, data ownership, and more.

Thanks also go out to our community for so diligently reviewing all the projects and interacting with them on Reddit, Telegram, and other channels.

The Work Starts Now!

The winning teams will soon get more information on how to proceed with the deployment of their projects to the OriginTrail Decentralized Network (mainnet). We will also host the winning team at our dev HQ in Belgrade, Serbia for an in-person workshop with the OriginTrail tech team.

The teams will not get tokens immediately but rather when they make progress with the project. The tokens will need to be used for delivering data imports to the OriginTrail Decentralized Network — fueling the OriginTrail ecosystem

We’ll continue to cover the journey of the 10 winning projects. Stay tuned for more updates!

Voting Was Based On the Smart Contract

We saw 305 registrations and 210 actual votes cast. We are proud to see it as one of the first attempts to involve the community in steering the direction of a blockchain ecosystem. Every member of the OriginTrail community had a chance to cast the vote.

We were delighted to see that the voting smart contract was recognized as a functional dapp by the Ethereum and general blockchain community.

Some Thoughts About the Blockchain-Based Vote

Voting and consensus based on the blockchain is a hot topic, often still experimental, without a definitive answer at this point. In the course of the Open Call vote, a variety of interesting approaches (not all compatible with each other) was suggested by the community on our Discord, Telegram, and other channels.

All the rules for the voting were published in advance and it is a great benefit that the vote was fully transparent, with the blockchain providing immutability.

To ensure the ultimate transparency of the vote, the OriginTrail team decided that it does not want to interfere with the voting that was guided by the open-source smart contract, which we published in advance on our GitHub repository. It would be against the spirit of decentralization and against our personal beliefs to act as a central authority and decide on our own, without pre-defined rules, which votes were legitimate and which are not. That’s why the winners of the Open Call are the same as those pronounced by the smart contract and visible in the leaderboard.

There were numerous safe checks in place to ensure maximum fairness and transparency of the vote:

  • There is not one winner. Instead, there are 10 winning teams which makes for a variety of use cases;
  • The registrations to vote were closed after the vote started in order to prevent a “double-vote” from transferring tokens from one wallet to another. Those who registered to vote could not know beforehand how many other people had done so as well;
  • Everyone who registered to vote had to confirm their email address and thereby prove that the wallet to be used was connected to an individual;
  • Every voter had to assign points to three different projects; and
  • The MetaMask integration made sure that there were at least 1000 TRAC tokens in the registrants’ wallet at the time of the registration and the whole period until casting the vote.

The OriginTrail team took the utmost care to check that all registered wallets had their emails confirmed and that those addresses belonged to legitimate users. All teams in the Open Call were encouraged to promote the Open Call to their communities and invite them to vote.

We are happy to hear your suggestions for future voting processes on our social channels or via email to, so we can additionally improve the system for engaging the community.

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OriginTrail is the Decentralized Knowledge Graph that organizes AI-grade knowledge assets, making them discoverable & verifiable for sustainable global economy.