OriginTrail Development Update: v0.3a “Luna” Released on March 12th

Branimir Rakic
Published in
4 min readMar 14, 2018

This month, we launched a development cycle based on bi-weekly sprints, which will lead to the launch of the OriginTrail Decentralized Network testnet by the end of June. You can find more details about this exciting development in our updated roadmap. In addition to the technical release notes on GitHub, we will also regularly prepare development updates on our blog.

Meet Luna: OriginTrail’s First Test Compensation System

The first of two releases scheduled in March, Luna, features the initial test compensation system with alpha tokens on the Ethereum Rinkeby test network. The compensation happens on the relation between the data creators (DC) nodes (responsible for replication) and data holder (DH) nodes, utilizing our Test-Answer-Receipt (TAR) protocol. This protocol essentially mimics the typical HTTP handshake and presents a testing mechanism between the nodes that are providing OriginTrail network services.

Initiation of the DC and DH node communication in Luna

Each test presents a challenge for the DH node, which, when solved correctly, provides an answer to the DC node. The DC node then, in return, provides a valid receipt for the service, according to the predefined “deal” (service conditions, price, and data lifespan). The compensation is then handled according to the results of the test and allows the DH node to independently collect tokens from a Service escrow smart contract by providing valid receipts to it.

Ready to Set up a Test Node? Get Alpha TRAC Tokens

The node installation instructions can be found here.

The Luna release introduces a compensation mechanism between the two nodes. Therefore, in order to properly test this release, you must be aware that you should install two nodes — one acting as a Data Creator (which will import the data), and another one acting as a Data Holder (which will receive data for replication and compensation in alpha tokens for a performed service). We also recommend installation on Ubuntu 16.04 nodes that have fixed IP addresses. Installation of nodes on MacOSX and behind NAT is possible, but some issues — which we are aware of — are likely to arise. These issues will be solved in future releases in line with our roadmap.

Alpha tokens can be obtained by request from our team at support@origin-trail.com — send us your Rinkeby wallet addresses and our team will forward you the test tokens. For future versions, we plan on implementing a simple token faucet.

What Else is New @Luna?

Apart from the initial compensation protocol, Luna brings many improvements in the XML file structure to further align with the GS1 standards, a JSON importer used for easier replication between nodes, and graph encryption, as well as many small interface improvements and easier updating.

The fingerprinting functionality has also been upgraded to utilize Merkle tree hashing in order to allow for flexible blockchain layer validation. It is now possible to fingerprint a graph of arbitrary size on the Ethereum blockchain, which allows for fine-tuning the tradeoff between storing less fingerprints per kilobyte (to save on ETH) and requiring lighter reads from the system in order to validate the integrity of the information.

For a detailed list of new features and known issues please refer to the release notes on GitHub.

Next Sprint: The Mechta Release v0.4a on March 26th

The next release is scheduled for end of March, at which point we will be introducing a fully GS1 EPCIS compliant XML importer to further simplify integration of the protocol. At that time, we will also provide further documentation on how the network incentive model will be structured based on the research and results of testing executed in the previous months. Once Mechta is out, we will be ready to pursue further improvements in the compensation mechanism, and introduce market bidding and the first versions of the privacy layer of the protocol.

OriginTrail is still growing our dev team. See job openings at https://careers.origintrail.io/.

You are welcome to pitch in at GitHub or connect with our dev team at Rocket.Chat. Track our development stages by visiting the roadmap page.

Trace on & Keep Calm for Mechta!

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Branimir Rakic

Builder, explorer and a glass-half-full type of a person. Into social empowering technologies & art. Co-founder and CTO at @origin_trail