OriginTrail Monthly Report: April 2020

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3 min readMay 7, 2020

In April, the OriginTrail core development team continued to work remotely and — as a result of past months’ effort — released a very important (v4.1) update that aims to change trusted supply chain data exchange for the better. At the same time, the OriginTrail documentation was updated, enabling even easier onboarding to the open-source technology. These are not the only things that happened last month. Read on for the full report!

Milestone Technology Update

In April, the OriginTrail core development team released the first major update of the Freedom-Gemini stage, OriginTrail v4.1. The release brought an important new feature, the first of its kind in the industry: the ability to hold public and permissioned data in a single decentralized graph on the same node and within the same dataset. This enables exciting new use cases, like data marketplace, data portability, and automated GDPR compliance. Branimir Rakić, OriginTrail co-founder and CTO, wrote a blog post where he explained in depth how a key new functionality of the latest OriginTrail update v4.1 version works. The release is already live on the ODN mainnet and you can find the release notes on GitHub.

Updated Documentation

After OriginTrail v4.1 was released, the OriginTrail protocol documentation was completely updated with more information about the permissioned data features from the latest release. You can check it out here.

More Metrics for the Community

The quarterly report, which was published in April, brought more value to the community than ever. For the first time, the report featured additional new metrics that contribute to the value of the OriginTrail ecosystem and support TRAC token appreciation. The new metrics are new jobs on the ODN, total TRAC tokens staked, and total data size.

The new metrics allow insights like: At the end of the quarter, there was 10 times more data on the ODN mainnet than at the beginning of the year, which shows the richness of the recently uploaded data sets.

As a response to questions from the community, we included an overview of the different pools of tokens and the amounts up to which they have been distributed. There are no more TRAC in “hard” lock. Read the whole report here.

OriginTrail at NonCon 2020

OriginTrail co-founder and CTO Branimir Rakic joined NonCon 2020, which was originally supposed to take place in Vienna but was moved online due to COVID-19. You are invited to replay his very interesting talk about the optimization of blockchain use for data scalability now on YouTube.

Communications & Events Highlights

Here are some other important mentions and (virtual) events that happened in April:

  • OriginTrail was recognized by the World Economic Forum:
  • Amos from Cyber Republic made this awesome review of the OriginTrail ecosystem:
  • The DEMETER EU project remained on track:
  • Release v4.1 was highlighted by Blockfolio:
  • And here’s how we celebrated Easter:

Making supply chains work. Together.

OriginTrail has been on a mission to develop an ecosystem dedicated to making supply chains work together since 2011. Built on the principles of neutrality, inclusiveness, and usability, it contributes to a more transparent, collaborative, fair, and trusted global supply chain.

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OriginTrail is the Decentralized Knowledge Graph that organizes AI-grade knowledge assets, making them discoverable & verifiable for sustainable global economy.