OriginTrail Open Call: Meet the International Experts in the Evaluation Committee

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4 min readNov 6, 2018

OriginTrail’s Open Call is in full swing. The application deadline is Friday, November 23rd, and our team is excited to welcome the most promising projects to our ecosystem. We are receiving applications from all around the globe and are very excited to present the selected projects to our community at the end of November. But, before we do that, all applications will undergo an initial screening by a five-member committee, which will consist of two OriginTrail team members and three external experts, which you will have a chance to get to know in this blog post.

The Initial Application Screening is a Sanity Check Before Projects are Presented to the Community Which Will Select the Winners

As we stated in the open call documentation, we will do an initial screening of applications before we invite token holders to cast votes for their favorite teams. Each expert will submit their own evaluation sheet, which is presented in the project documentation. The purpose of this step is to ensure that all the projects that move to the next round are technologically viable in the set time frame and their business models make sense. To ensure that we set up a high-quality and non-biased primary evaluation process, we invited three international experts to participate. All the external committee members have firm innovation, business model and blockchain backgrounds, so rest assured, they will do their job.

The Business-Model-and-Innovation-Experts Trio That Will Help Us Get the Best Projects in Front of the Community

We thought long and hard about who would be the best experts to take the role of external committee members for the open call. The result was unanimous. We invited established minds who are familiar with the OriginTrail ecosystem and have a proven track record in evaluating and consulting startups, organizations and enterprises about how to develop and market innovative solutions. The selected members of the external committee are:

Petar Savić

Supreme Factory Founder

Startup Grind Europe, London and Malta Co-Director

Petar Savic is an entrepreneur and a super-connector with a key interest in project management within a Digital Media, Blockchain and Internet environment, bridging the gap between technical, creative and commercial requirements. Petar is also a Trustee of Primrose Hill, with a mission to tokenize the community and create the first London’s smart village. In the local OnTheHill magazine he writes a monthly column about entrepreneurship.

Petar advises Department For International Trade in the UK on Balkan startup ecosystems and was involved in Western Balkans Summit in London recently. He is a member of many initiatives such as London Tech Advocates, Serbian Entrepreneurs, Serbian Blockchain Initiative, EUCC — European Chamber of Distributed Ledger Technologies and Crypto Currencies, European Blockchain HUB, etc.

John G. Keogh

President & Managing Principal at Shantalla Inc. Toronto, Canada & Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Chairman of Trace Alliance

John G. Keogh brings over 30 years of industry experience. He previously held executive and leadership positions at GS1 Canada and the GS1 Global Office, and was the managing client principal and practice principal at Hewlett-Packard Consulting & Integration Canada. He held supply chain vice president and CIO roles in various companies. John is the founder and principal advisor at Shantalla, whose clients include industry executives, government officials, inter-governmental agencies, enforcement agencies, industry associations, and solution and service provider CEOs from the food, beverage, and consumer goods and services industries.

Mark Kalin

Management Board Member in European Blockchain Hub

Assistant of Chief Innovation and Digital Officer, BTC d.d.

Mark is an experienced project manager, with a very rich educational and professional background. Currently employed by BTC d.d. as an assistant of chief innovation and digital officer. Skilled in project management, planning and developing marketing strategy, digitalization, establishing living lab/start-up ecosystems, as well as innovation/project offices. Strong focus on establishing innovative platforms as means to connect people and data. Finished Missouri State University, Drury University and Faculty of Economics — University of Ljubljana with an MBA, M.Sc. in Project Management, M.Sc. in Health Promotion and Wellness Management, M.A. in International Business.

We are very excited to have these three experts on board. We trust in their fine professional judgment, personal integrity and alignment with the vision of the OriginTrail ecosystem. We will keep you posted and update you about their involvement with the open call project in the future.

Meanwhile, you can still apply to OriginTrail’s open call (by November 23rd) or help spread the word about the project.

Trace on & let the best 10 projects win!

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OriginTrail is the Decentralized Knowledge Graph that organizes AI-grade knowledge assets, making them discoverable & verifiable for sustainable global economy.