OriginTrail’s Trace Alliance Partners with the Ivan on Tech Academy to Further Education on Blockchain for Enterprises

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5 min readAug 4, 2020

According to Gartner, the business value added by the blockchain will grow to more than $176 billion by 2025. This number is expected to exceed $3.1 trillion by 2030. However, according to Adrian Lee, senior research director at Gartner, as enterprises’ interest in blockchain technology increases, the number of blockchain platform vendors continues to grow with more new entrants. The blockchain platform market is therefore composed of fragmented offerings that often overlap or are used in a complementary fashion, making technology choices confusing for IT decision-makers.

Given the OriginTrail core team’s seven years of experience in designing and implementing solutions for improved supply chain visibility, trust, and transparency through the use of global standards (i.e. GS1 and W3C) and the blockchain, Trace Alliance is now partnering with the Ivan on Tech Academy to proliferate knowledge on the sustainable use of decentralized ledger technology for enterprises. The ideation about collaboration started in December 2018, when Ivan Liljeqvist — popularly known as Ivan on Tech, came to visit our offices in Belgrade, Serbia and Ljubljana, Slovenia. When in Ljubljana, he covered both the OriginTrail Mainnet v1 event and the inauguration of our technology partnership with Oracle. The video on those events is available here.

Ivan on Tech visiting Oracle’s offices in Ljubljana, Slovenia, with the OriginTrail team (2018)

With its wide and rapidly-expanding network of enterprises specialized in various verticals — including food, pharmaceuticals, compliance, apparel, and IT — Trace Alliance is uniquely positioned to deliver quality content based on hands-on experience and proven methods to train IT professionals in charge of digital transformation. Trace Alliance has been training company executives and delivering actionable insights into the practical use of blockchain technology since its launch in 2018.

The Ivan on Tech Academy has thus far educated more than 30,000 students in various blockchain and decentralized ledger technologies and has been quickly expanding both its content base and types of students. Sebastiaan van der Lans, one of the academy’s students, serves as an excellent success story as he managed to quickly grow a successful company, WordProof, and even finished first in the pan-European competition Blockchains for Social Good, winning a EUR 1 million award.

Together, Trace Alliance and Ivan on Tech, have committed themselves to advancing education in enterprise blockchain use with respect to:

  • Legacy IT systems and blockchain interoperability frameworks to help enterprises implement such technologies, avoiding costly vendor lock-ins;
  • The role of GS1 (like CBV and EPCIS) and W3C (e.g. verifiable credentials) standards to achieve cross-organizational data exchange in a coherent manner;
  • Building applications on top of the decentralized knowledge graph (DKG) powered by the OriginTrail Decentralized Network (ODN); and
  • The optimal use of private versus public networks (the blockchain) for enterprises.

Technology students will be able to learn about and also test run what has been applied by some of the world’s largest companies. One such example is the British Standards Institution’s (BSI) blockchain-based solutions, catering to both organizations and individuals aiming to build resilience in their supply chains. Solutions described in the recently-released BSI white paper — titled “Instruments of Trust: BSI’s Blockchain-Based Solutions” — enable a secure and trusted way of verifying the authenticity of claimed personal credentials as well as company and product certifications. One of the introduced solutions is the Supplier Compliance Audit Network (SCAN) Trusted Factory Blockchain Program designed for US importers to ensure the authenticity of a factory’s certification and credentials. SCAN is an association of importers that was formed to eliminate foreign factory audit fatigue associated with supply chain security importing criteria within the US Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism program (CTPAT). SCAN importing members have combined annual sales of USD 1.25 trillion and source from factories around the world. More than 50 percent of these factories are shared by multiple SCAN members, which, prior to SCAN, would have resulted in the facilities having regular audits by independent importers. SCAN has more than 18,000 factories in the database and the program’s popularity has grown internationally, with several hundred audits conducted monthly.

SCAN Members

The solution secures permissioned audit data and factory credentials on the ODN, based on the public Ethereum blockchain, and makes them accessible to SCAN members and interested government agencies such as CTPAT for viewing. The implementation pioneers the usage of the W3C Verifiable Credentials data model to ensure interoperability and compatibility with novel frameworks such as the Self Sovereign Identity (SSI) framework.

The courses on the mentioned topic areas are scheduled to begin in October, with exact dates yet to be announced. To be among the first to be informed once the registration opens and to unlock your special discount for enterprise blockchain training, apply to become a member of Trace Alliance now.

About Trace Alliance

Trace Alliance is a European Union-based non-profit association within the OriginTrail ecosystem that functions as an inclusive, collaborative hub to connect all organizations aiming to work together to solve complex supply chain challenges using blockchain technology. Examples of the challenges the alliance intends to tackle include data interoperability, supply chain transparency, and fighting counterfeit practices. Trace Alliance acts as a platform for sharing knowledge and experience from real-world blockchain implementations, allowing members to connect and pursue joint projects, creating new expertise, and facilitating the adoption of blockchain technology on a global level. Existing members of Trace Alliance are Deloitte, EVRYTHNG, TMA Solutions, Gijima, T-Provenance, Oregon Tilth, TE-FOOD, BTC Logistics Centre, and more than a 100 other enterprises and service providers.

To connect and learn more, visit https://alliance.origintrail.io.

About the Ivan on Tech Academy

The Ivan On Tech Academy was founded in 2017 by Ivan Liljeqvist and Filip Martinsson in Stockholm, Sweden. Ivan and Filip met in 2014 at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology where they were studying computer science. Besides sharing a passion for programming, they also shared one for the blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and entrepreneurship. Ivan and Filip realized that the knowledge on blockchain technology that was available was poor and not easily accessible to everyone. Therefore, they decided to take things into their own hands and founded the Ivan On Tech Academy with a mission to empower people all over the world by educating them about the blockchain and programming. Today, the Ivan On Tech Academy is the leading online university for the blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and programming. Making the necessary up-to-date skills accessible for anyone interested in pursuing a career in blockchain technology. Their vision is to become the number one go-to-place for blockchain and cryptocurrency education in the world.

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OriginTrail is the Decentralized Knowledge Graph that organizes AI-grade knowledge assets, making them discoverable & verifiable for sustainable global economy.