Perutnina Ptuj’s Free-range Chicken Empowered by OriginTrail Winning the International Markets

Žiga Drev
Published in
1 min readJan 24, 2017

As Finance, Slovenian business media, reported* the free-range chicken from Perutnina Ptuj is winning the hearts of Swiss housewives. Perutnina Ptuj already sells 90% of their free range line to Switzerland and expects a 30% growth in sales in this segment this year.

As David Visenjak, Head of Sales at Perutnina Ptuj, explained, the Swiss retailer Coop contacted them “… because we have been at the top of the world’s production of chicken and turkey meat by quality for many years. Our meat does not contain antibiotics, growth hormones, meat proteins. We produce the animal feed ourselves. For many years, we have been providing our customers with meat traceability information all the way tothe farmer or farm where the animals were bred,« with the help of Izvor — by OriginTrail, if we may add.

*The article is in Slovene — title: “Swiss housewives excited by Ptuj chicken from animal-friendly farming”

