Trace Alliance Chairman on the Blockchain, Provenance, Traceability & Chain of Custody

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3 min readAug 24, 2018

John G. Keogh, Chairman of the Trace Alliance and long-time OriginTrail advisor on supply chain integrity and standards, is one of the key influencers on LinkedIn on the practical application of technology and standards to enhance traceability, transparency and trust in modern supply chains. He is frequently both encouraging and engaging in discussions on these topics.

John has over 35 years of experience in leadership roles in all aspects of supply chain management, information technology and industry standards. He is a sought-after advisor and researcher to the public and private sectors and a regular keynote speaker. He holds an MBA in General Management, an MSc in Business & Management Research in Transparency and Trust and is a doctoral researcher on transparency and trust.

His latest article was published on the LinkedIn Pulse platform. The high level of engagement that the article received is proof that John is an opinion leader in this field. In this article, John presented his answers to questions posed over the past few months online and in industry and regulatory dialogue. He also highlighted OriginTrail as an example of an independent and neutral platform to help solve the critical data governance, data quality issues and interoperability issues using GS1 standards.

He answers the following questions:

  • Do I need the blockchain for effective food recall?
  • Are current food regulations driving the need for blockchains?
  • Can the blockchain guarantee food safety and food authenticity?
  • Can the blockchain deliver a guarantee of food provenance?

OriginTrail is a middleware technology and different applications that can be built on top of it. One of them is a possible recall use case:

The blockchain is helpful for recall use cases when you have multiple exchange partners across multiple countries and using disparate technologies. The open source and purpose-built blockchain data protocol from OriginTrail is very useful in this scenario because it enables GS1-standards based interoperability between multiple blockchains and legacy. As the OriginTrail infographic below indicates, today, we have many data silos and interoperability is crucial to addressing both traceability, transparency and executing a rapid recall. OriginTrail will be the first to advise that without first addressing data governance (accurate and standardized data) the blockchain will not work as intended.

Read John’s entire piece here:

(To open an article, you need to be logged in to the LinkedIn platform. If the link does not work for you, here is a version of the same article.)

The Trace Alliance as a Collaborative Blockchain Ecosystem

John G. Keogh was inaugurated as the Chairman of the Trace Alliance in May 2018. In that position, he pledged to build the Trace Alliance as an ecosystem as well as a platform that will facilitate the adoption of the OriginTrail protocol — with more companies collaborating to solve their supply chain challenges and build various applications on top of it.

Check out John G. Keogh’s welcome address as the Chairman of the Trace Alliance:

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OriginTrail is the Decentralized Knowledge Graph that organizes AI-grade knowledge assets, making them discoverable & verifiable for sustainable global economy.