Trace Labs, OriginTrail core developers, selected for Parity’s Substrate Builders Program

Trace Labs
Published in
4 min readNov 5, 2020

Starfleet & Polkadot integration update

There have been several exciting developments in the OriginTrail ecosystem recently and one of the most notable is the kickoff of the next stage of the OriginTrail Decentralised Network’s (ODN) evolution, dubbed Starfleet. With Starfleet, the OriginTrail development community aims to bring the ODN to the final stage of the initially-envisioned protocol implementation, which will operate in a multi-blockchain environment.

The latest developments have been driven by the Decentralization & Tokenomics Working Group of Trace Alliance, which currently consists of two active initiatives that are making progress in specific areas of blockchain implementations. All Trace Alliance Working Group initiatives are driven by their respective task forces, which are crafting development proposals and facilitating discussions within the OriginTrail community.

The Trace Alliance Polkadot initiative started in late August with the goal of working towards an OriginTrail Polkadot implementation. The initiative task force has since been joined by Parity, the development team behind the Polkadot project, to support the efforts of the OriginTrail Core developers on the initiative.

The Starfleet initiative is the second initiative spearheaded by a task force of OriginTrail community members and core developers. The task force recently published the fundamentals of the Starfleet stage, which is set to launch the OriginTrail protocol’s first multi-chain implementation. In a public request for comments in OT-RFC-07 Multichain OriginTrail Decentralized Network — Starfleet stage, a community-operated Starfleet blockchain has been envisioned to transition the ODN to a dual chain version v5. At the moment, the RFC is in the “last call” stage and about to be accepted by the Starfleet Task Force.

The Starfleet proposal hints strongly at blockchain implementation built on the Substrate DLT framework, which is already being extensively discussed within the Polkadot initiative. In order to further streamline the two initiatives and gain additional momentum for Starfleet, the OriginTrail core development team was recently selected for the Substrate Builders program by Parity technologies. Trace Labs has joined the Chains track, which aims to provide additional strategic, technical, and media support by the Parity team for the two OriginTrail blockchain-related initiatives.

With both Starfleet and Polkadot initiatives now in full swing, the core development team behind OriginTrail invites all community members and developers to collaborate with us on the implementation and design of the ODN v5 through the relevant RFCs and code contributions.

There has never been a better time to join the OriginTrail mission. Today, the ODN is being used by Fortune 500 companies across the globe and leveraged in the EU-Commission-spearheaded food safety and personal-data-privacy-enhancing projects. The ODN is also automating trusted payments and being deployed to create a trusted, global repository on essential supplies for COVID-19, which is supported by the World Economic Forum.

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About Parity Technologies

Founded by blockchain pioneers, Parity Technologies is now a team of 80+ in nine countries. Their team includes some of the leading p2p networking developers, consensus algorithm inventors, blockchain innovators, and Rust developers. Their core work includes building Substrate, Parity Technologies’ modular blockchain development framework, and Polkadot, a protocol of protocols to connect the future Web 3.0.

For more information about Parity Technologies, please visit

About Trace Labs

Trace Labs is a blockchain company developing enterprise solutions for trusted data exchange across the supply chain. Their solutions enable forward-thinking organizations to gain the most knowledge possible and make better decisions based on interconnected data from their supply chains. Trace Labs is also the core development company of the open-source OriginTrail protocol for blockchain-based data exchange.

Founded in 2013, Trace Labs has built award-winning enterprise solutions for supply chains, including those for traceability and verifiable claims. In 2017, Trace Labs received an award from the Walmart Food Safety Collaboration Center. Trace Labs believes sustainable supply chains are only possible when all organizations, big or small, are allowed to benefit from trusted data exchanges.

For more information about Trace Labs, please visit:

About Trace Alliance

Based in the European Union, the Trace Alliance is a non-profit association within the OriginTrail ecosystem. It functions as an inclusive, collaborative hub to connect all organizations aiming to work together to solve complex supply chain challenges using blockchain technology. The Trace Alliance acts as a platform for sharing knowledge and experience from real-world blockchain implementations, allowing members to connect and pursue joint projects, creating new expertise and facilitating the adoption of blockchain technology on a global level. Existing members of the Trace Alliance include Deloitte, EVRYTHNG, TMA Solutions, Emurgo, Ivan on Tech Academy, and 100 + enterprises and service providers.

For more information about Trace Alliance, please visit

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Trace Labs

Trusted network applications for business communities of the future. Core development company of the @origin_trail protocol. #connectthedots