How To Price Tour and Vacation Packages

Have you ever been in doubt how to price your tours and travel services?

Tour and vacation packages price formation is one of the most important business decisions every tour provider has to make.

If you set just the right tour price, it’s the key to a profitable business.

But if you set the price too high or too low it will, at best, limit your travel company’s growth. At worst, it could cause severe difficulties for sales revenue and cash flow.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you know how much it will cost you to introduce new tours or vacation packages?
  • How do you come up with the price for your tour packages?

Many tour providers don’t know how to calculate their prices. What happens it that they usually end up undercharging for their tours.

Whether you came up with a new tour and you don’t have the price yet, or you started a travel company:

Don’t rush the process of price formation.

Perhaps the most common mistake when introducing a new tour and vacation package or starting a travel company is either undercharging or overpricing.

To help you solve the pricing challenge, we did a little research and gathered all the information you might find useful in one place and voilà!

Here’s the pricing guide made especially for tour providers and travel industry professionals:

It will guide you through six essential steps in tour and vacation packages price formation and key factors in travel company’s price formation.

You will get additional information on the dynamic pricing model for tourism attractions. Get our guide and learn how to boost your sales.

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Originally published at on April 12, 2018.



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