Touriosity is Live! The Commission-free OTA Was Launched

The long wait has finally come to an end! Touriosity was soft-launched last Friday, November 13th, marking the beginning of a new era in the OTAxTour Operator relationship.

A soft-launch means that an official announcement to the general audience wasn’t made. That is scheduled to happen on November 27th.

Touriosity debut was thought this way because in the next two weeks their team will be intensively testing the system. The idea is to ensure that everything is running as expected before travelers start booking through the platform.

That two weeks period also includes the conference of data by tour operators, as well as if the booking buttons and the contact forms placed on tour pages are working properly.

Right now, the Scottish startup has around 1200 tours listed and 300 user accounts on its platform.

Tour operators who want to join the project must have their business rated at least 4 stars in TripAdvisor, Google and Facebook, and also register on the website. New members will be added to Touriosity starting in 2021.

How Touriosity works

If you are not familiar with it, Touriosity is a second route to the traditional OTAs and their abusive commissions (more than 20% for some of them).

Tour operators listed on the new platform have advantages like:

  • Direct bookings without paying commissions to Touriosity
  • Interaction with potential customers during the purchase process
  • The ability to collect user data for future business outreach
  • Access to the support side of the platform including its knowledge base

Its mission is to give support to tour operators around the world, especially during this unusual moment that all industry is going through.

The idea is to have an OTA that works as a marketing consortium. Tour Operators that are part of this model have more chances to counter-attack the big online marketplaces in the digital field.

By paying $150, members can list up to 5 tours in a single destination. All the money collected creates a bank from which Touriosity pays for platform maintenance and marketing.

Being a non-profit organization that cares about the tour operator, Touriosity targets travelers who want to help local businesses instead of giving their money to corporations controlled by big investors and the need for profiting.

Make the most out of Touriosity with Orioly

Orioly shares Touriosity vision that direct bookings are the path to recovery for tour operators. For that reason, we have partnered together to make it become a reality.

Orioly provides an intuitive and complete online booking system for tour operators. With it, potential customers will have a smooth booking experience within Touriosity platform or straight from your website.

Orioly users have:

  • Unlimited online bookings
  • Unlimited products in your inventory
  • Unlimited user accounts
  • Access to our B2B marketplace

If you don’t have an online booking system yet, sign up on Orioly and get 6 months without online booking fees in addition to our ZERO fee for offline bookings.

Originally published at on November 18, 2020.



Orioly Tour Booking Software
Tour and Activity Operator Knowledge Base

Online booking and distribution system for tour operators and small travel agencies.