Two out of Three People Are Planning to Travel Again in 2021

Traveling abroad, meet new places and new people is something that everyone loves doing. Unfortunately, for most of us, this year was wasted at home, and what we have left is wondering when we can travel again.

But, a recent Forbes research gives hope that it may happen sooner than expected. According to it, 70% of people are planning to travel again in 2021.

That’s a good sign that confidence in traveling is recovering, and more people are up to board on a plane to enjoy vacations away from home.

Part of that is due to strict sanitary protocols adopted by the industry, including airlines, tour operators and destinations. Also, the expectation for a vaccine contributes to people feeling more comfortable in planing a trip.

But, how the tourism market will look like in 2021?

The pandemic has deeply changed the traveler’s behavior, and this is going to last long. An example is the lack of confidence in booking a trip caused by a large number of canceled flights and pending refunds.

To overcome that, companies need to be very transparent on their cancelation and price policies. Offering products such as COVID-19 insurances can also help to attract more customers.

The Forbes research has pointed out that 60% of attendees are only considering traveling again in 2021 if they are assured to be refunded.

Asking for positive reviews is still a good investment. Especially the ones related to good health and hygiene practices. One-third of next year’s travelers will consider the opinion of who has lived the experience before in order to book their next trip.

Another trend pointed out by the research is traveling to familiar destinations. That is because living an experience again gives the sensation of safety.

To catch the attention of those searching for a familiar experience, destinations should highlight the sense of home. On the other hand, tour operators should target old customers, considering that those are more familiar with their services.

Considering that only 4% of those who traveled abroad this summer have felt unsafe, it’s understandable the industry’s excitement about the next season.

Transparency, flexibility and familiarity. Remember those three words and you have good chances to make the most out of tourism next year.

Originally published at on October 21, 2020.



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