Journey to became an iOS Developer

Operators, conditions, and loops for Swift

Emin Ugar
Orion Innovation techClub
2 min readFeb 2, 2022


Hi everyone, actually I’m a Java developer and I developing Android apps. I recently decided to learn Swift. I want to share what I learned here. I hope it will be enjoyable :) Let’s begin.


Arithmetic operators are the same as Java or other programming languages.

1. Arithmetic Operators

One of the differences between Swift and Java is that they don’t use semicolons at the end of the line.

As you have noticed, we do not use semicolons, unlike java.

2. Comparison Operators

While defining a variable in Swift, it is not mandatory to specify the variable type, except in some cases. swift detects variable types automatically type for you.


Conditional operators are the same as in Java or other programming languages. There are only a few simple different situations.

1. if-else

If-else structure is not very different in Swift and Java. Swift provides a little more flexibility. E.g the use of ( ) is optional, but the use of { } is mandatory.

2. Ternary Operator

Ternary operator is a different form of if-else. It needs three values, first value is condition. If the condition is true, the second value is returned, otherwise, the third value is returned.

3. Range Operator

If there is an operation that you need to perform in a certain range of numbers, Swift uses the Range operator for this. It is quite simple to use.


Loops are the same as other languages. There are only minor differences.

1. For Loop

With Array

With Range Operator

With Stride Function

The loop iterates over the range from 1 to 10 with an interval of 2 However, 10 is not included in the sequence.

2. While Loop

3. Repeat Loop

The loop is similar to while loop with one key difference. The body of repeat...while loop is executed once before the condition expression is checked.

In conclusion, these structures used in swift are not very different from Java. They are used in Swift same way with simple differences.

