Test Automation with Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD)

Orion Innovation techClub
7 min readMar 22, 2024

This text provides information about the features, benefits, principles, and tools of test automation with Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD).

Continuous Integration (CI)

Figure 1: Scheme of Continuous Integration (CI) [3]

Figure 1 depicts a diagram that outlines the workflow of continuous integration and test automation within the software development process. The diagram is a schematic representation showing various stages of development and how they are interconnected.

· Starting with number 1, the process consists of two developers named “Developer 1” and “Developer 2.” Both developers send their work to a central code source, called the “Source Control Server,” by checking in changes. This action, done through a version control system, records the changes made by developers in a central repository.

· Marked with number 2, the “Fetch Changes” step indicates that a “Continuous Integration Server” pulls the latest changes from the source control server. This means that changes are continuously moved to the integration server and the integration is performed automatically.

· Step number 3, “Build,” refers to the integration server compiling the code to make it executable. This includes compiling the code, managing dependencies, and packaging.

· Number 4, “Test,” symbolizes the phase where the software is put through automated tests. These tests involve a series of checks on the code to ensure the software functions correctly.

· The arrow marked as “Fail or Succeed,” number 5, displays the outcome of the tests. If the tests are successful, the process moves forward. If they fail, a feedback loop to the developers is initiated.

· Finally, step number 6, “Notify Success or Failure,” means informing “Manager,” “Developer 1,” and “Developer 2” about the outcome of the process. It shows that feedback on whether the process was successful or not is communicated to the team members.

Continuous integration, in this manner, is a practice in software development where team members frequently share their code changes, and these changes are automatically compiled and tested. The main goal is to catch errors early to enhance software quality and expedite deployment. This approach makes the development process more efficient and reliable, enabling teams to produce high-quality software more quickly [4].

Continuous Delivery (CD)

Figure 2: Scheme of Continous Delivery (CD) [5]

Figure 2 is a flowchart illustrating the steps in the continuous delivery process. This process is a part of the software development methodology that describes the journey of code from development to deployment in the production environment through automated steps.

· Develop: The first step represents the beginning of the software development process. Developers create their plans and write code.

· Source Control: Developers commit their changes to a source control system. Examples of version control systems include Git, SVN, and Perforce. This facilitates the tracking of changes and coordinates the work of multiple developers on the same project.

· Build & Test: In this step, the software is compiled, making it executable, and automated tests are run. These tests ensure the code meets quality standards and is free of errors. After a successful build, “artifacts” (compiled application packages) are created.

· Deploy on Test Environment: This is an automatic step. The created software packages are deployed to a test environment. This is crucial for verifying that the software operates correctly in real-world conditions.

· Deploy on Prod: The final step is usually manual. The software that has successfully passed tests and quality checks is deployed to the production environment, where it becomes available to end-users.

Continuous delivery advances the continuous integration processes further, aiming to make software changes ready for production as automated and error-free as possible. This enables teams to release high-quality software more quickly and reliably, reducing manual interventions and associated errors.

Benefits of CI/CD

Contemporary methods in software development streamline the process of software integration and diminish the repetitive tasks typically associated with software engineering. This automation shortens the period between the establishment of software requirements and the deployment of the software into a live production environment. Nonetheless, for database-driven applications, the steps of integrating and deploying the database often remain manual tasks, which can be both expensive and susceptible to errors. To address these issues, traditional software development practices have evolved to incorporate a CI/CD pipeline that accounts for the specific requirements of database configuration [6].

Figure 3: Benefits of CI/CD [7]

The visual is an infographic that lists the benefits of continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) processes. Below are these benefits with their explanations:

· Higher efficiency of web development: Increases the efficiency of web development. CI/CD practices enable software developers to work faster and more effectively by automating development processes.

· Reduced risk of defects: Lowers the risk of defects. Continuous integration allows for frequent and regular merging and testing of code changes, facilitating early detection and correction of errors.

· Faster product delivery: Accelerates product delivery. CI/CD processes allow for the software to be developed and delivered to customers more swiftly.

· Exclusive log generation: Produces detailed logs for each change, making it easier to track and diagnose issues.

· Easier rollback of code changes: Simplifies the process of reverting to a previous working version if an error occurs, minimizing risk with CI/CD processes.

Principle of CI/CD

Figure 4: CI/CD Best Practices [7]

Figure 4 is an infographic that summarizes the best practices for continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD). These practices are designed to make CI/CD processes more effective and efficient.

· Make early & frequent commitments: Commit code early and often. This highlights that developers should send changes to the source control system as quickly as possible, so changes are continuously integrated and tested.

· Only build once: Build only once. Performing the build process once and working on that build ensures consistency in the process and prevents time loss.

· Clean your environment: Keep your environment clean. This means that test and production environments should be kept clean and orderly, so each new build is done on a reliable foundation.

· Keep the structures green: Ensure the structures stay green. This refers to keeping tests successful and maintaining a “healthy” structure throughout the process.

· Encourage teamwork: Promote teamwork. CI/CD requires continuous communication and collaboration among team members, which is critical for the success of the processes.

· Automate more: Increase automation. Automating more processes reduces manual interventions, lowers errors, and allows the processes to be conducted more quickly and efficiently.


In summary, the exploration of continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) practices reveals their critical role in modern software development. By automating and streamlining the integration and deployment processes, CI/CD methodologies significantly enhance the efficiency of developing and delivering software products. Early and frequent code commits, a practice encouraged in CI/CD, ensure that changes are integrated and tested regularly, leading to the early detection of errors and smoother progress throughout the development lifecycle. The principle of building the software only once and maintaining clean environments emphasizes the importance of consistency and reliability in the development process, further reducing the risk of errors and inconsistencies.

Moreover, the emphasis on keeping the structures green and fostering teamwork highlights the collaborative nature of software development. By ensuring that all changes pass through automated tests successfully and by encouraging continuous communication among team members, CI/CD practices not only improve the quality of the software but also enhance team dynamics and productivity. The push towards more automation within these processes minimizes manual interventions, leading to fewer errors and a more efficient workflow.

Overall, the integration of CI/CD practices into software development projects represents a transformative approach that prioritizes speed, quality, and collaboration. By addressing the unique challenges of database integration and deployment within this framework, software development teams can achieve a higher level of efficiency and reliability, ultimately delivering better software products faster to meet the evolving needs of users and the market. The exploration of these practices underscores the evolving nature of software development, pointing towards a future where automation and collaboration are key drivers of success.


[1] Rathod, N., & Surve, A. (2015, January). Test orchestration a framework for continuous integration and continuous deployment. In 2015 international conference on pervasive computing (ICPC) (pp. 1–5). IEEE.

[2] Arachchi, S. A. I. B. S., & Perera, I. (2018, May). Continuous integration and continuous delivery pipeline automation for agile software project management. In 2018 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon) (pp. 156–161). IEEE.

[3] Kabir, A. (2024, February 6). Continuous Integration: A “Typical” Process | Red Hat Developer. Red Hat Developer.

[4] Mohammad, S. M. (2016). Continuous integration and automation. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), ISSN, 2320–2882.

[5] What is Continuous Deployment (CD)? | TeamCity CI/CD Guide | JetBrains. (n.d.). JetBrains.

[6] Fluri, J., Fornari, F., & Pustulka, E. (2023, May). Measuring the Benefits of CI/CD Practices for Database Application Development. In 2023 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software and System Processes (ICSSP) (pp. 46–57). IEEE.

[7] CI/CD Definition, Process, Benefits, and Best Practices. (n.d.). Spiceworks.

