Macro economic elements linked to the Orionix concept

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2 min readAug 12, 2019

Something that the contemporary generation has come to realize is that we’re all living in a historic time where each individual takes part in what’s to come in the future world of technology and innovation. As such conventions become more and more consolidated, it is our role at Orionix to educate our audience on every aspect that could be involved in the company performance and image.

Therefore, in an attempt to accomplish this, this article seeks to outline the basics of the micro and macro environmental components affecting ORX directly or indirectly.

What we’ve all seen since the major financial crisis of 2008 is a growth of the economy in a tremendous and rapid fashion. Job numbers have kept on increasing, unemployment is set to be at record lows, inflation has been held under control by central banks. All of these have led to very strong personal consumption expenditures and fostered market demand to the highest stage it has ever been at.

A remarkable “misinterpretation” that often occurs within the bitcoin and crypto markets, however, is that they’re sometimes believed to be a “safe haven” or a “hedge fund”. We at Orionix believe that this isn’t the case as Bitcoin and other cryptos have soared simultaneously to the other markets. To more clearly illustrate this, here is a chart of SP500 and the Nasdaq index funds, both of which represent the condition of the US economy, compared to the Btc chart:

What it manifests to us is a clear correlation between the 3 which is reflected in the trends. Hence, the picture we can draw from this is that increased market growth, stronger economy and boosted financial indicators actually result in a heightened interest for cryptos as households and businesses have more disposable income they’re willing to invest.

Considering the occurrence of such a phenomenon, we can conclude that what has been going on with the economic situation in recent years has proved to have positive outcomes. This could very well continue to be the case with Orionix as it will not only join the trend but contribute to its strengths by offering a practical solution to everyone involved in the digital currencies and gaming industries.




Comission-free games and items exchange platform along with ORX token that covers operational costs by minting its own native currency.