Orionix.io — An ICO that is ahead of its time!

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3 min readJul 8, 2019

Initial coin offerings (ICO) have appeared suddenly in 2017 to turn into the discussion of Silicon Valley and Wall Street. Developers have raised over $3.2 billion this year by offering their very own virtual monetary forms to financial specialists (investors). That is 3,000 percent more than the sum brought utilizing coin contributions up in 2016.

Likewise, 2019 brings Orionix Tokens (ORX). A coin commonly enlivened by more seasoned virtual cash frameworks like Ethereum, with a top on the number of coins that will exist — to give a feeling of goldlike shortage — and a structure that enables them to work totally outside the current monetary system. The ORX tokens are entirely safe, and you can create a wallet on MyEtherWallet or Trust Wallet, and Tokens will be sent to your wallet address instantly after purchasing. This would be the best time to be an investor in such a company which is legal and is offering a 40% Bonus to their first buyers.

The size of the installment tranche will vary as the number of available ORX tokens decreases; the applicable bonus for the first tranche will be 40%.

1st: 52.500.000 with 40% bonus

2nd: 52.500.000 with a bonus of 35%

3rd: 52.500.000 with a bonus of 30%

4th: 52.500.000 with a bonus of 20%

5th: 52.500.000 with a bonus of 10%

6th: 52.500.000 with a bonus of 5%

7th: 31.500.000 with a bonus of 0%

The total supplies for ORX is 600M ORX.

As an early contributor to the Orionix platform, you will be a crucial participant in our visionary project and earn healthy returns.

A crucial part of ORX is using Ethereum Smart Contracts usefulness. Smart contracts will consequently execute when certain conditions are met from every invested individual. The robotization can speed the procedure up, guaranteeing no slip-ups en route.

In recent months, a consistently expanding progression of PC games has risen that some way or another utilized digital currencies, yet notwithstanding their developing recurrence, just few them utilized the Ethereum or Bitcoin mechanics to give decentralized gaming background. ORX can be granted by tallying the time spent on the game and submitting blunder reports, or just by transferring the game items to the exchanging stage.

The following benefits can be redeemed just by utilizing our ORX Platform.

As we say, “We are living in the times of digital transformation.” The days are not that far when the Gaming Industry would be entirely dependent on ICO’s and Smart Contracts.

The ORX ICO TOKEN SALE starts from August 1st, 2019. Be smart and grab the opportunity while it lasts.




Comission-free games and items exchange platform along with ORX token that covers operational costs by minting its own native currency. https://orionix.io