Create an Azure App Service with GitHub Continuous Deployment Integration.

Published in
4 min readApr 17, 2021
  1. Login to Azure Portal and on the top search in portal, search for Azure App Services. Select that and Click on “Create App Services”.
Create App Service in Azure Portal — Create an Azure App Service with GitHub Continuous Deployment Integration. | Orionlab |
Create App Service in Azure Portal

2. Inside the Basic Tab, Choose Subscription, Resource Group. Enter Instance Details as —

2.1) Name — Enter the global unique name as it will be concatenated with as
2.2) Publish — Select as either “Code” or “Docker Container”. Here we are selecting it as Code.
2.3) Runtime Stack — We can choose them from Node -versions, Python -versions, etc. For Deploying Django we will use Python 3.6.
2.4) Operating System — We Have “Linux” and “Windows” within OS. Here we will select “Linux”.
2.5) Region — We Can choose from different regions available, choose the nearest region for low latency. We Will select Central US here, you can choose from many different regions available.

Create Azure Web App — Create an Azure App Service with GitHub Continuous Deployment Integration. | Orionlab |
Create Azure Web App

3. An App Service Plan, at a very high level is the container in which your web applications run, it is used to determine the resources available to your application (or applications) and their boundaries (vCPU, Memory, Storage, Run-Time) and which calculates their estimated expenditure. Azure have different Service Plans.

3.1) Click on “Create New” to create a new app service plan, enter its name.

Create a new Plan, or choose an Existing one — Create an Azure App Service with GitHub Continuous Deployment Integration. | Orionlab |
Create a new Plan, or choose an Existing one

3.2) Click on “Change Size” to upscale / downscale the size of your App Service.
We will choose F1 (Free Tier) here, you can upscale to Different Dev/ Test as well as Production Tiers as well as downscale to lower as per your requirement.

Basic Tier SKU for the Azure App Services — Create an Azure App Service with GitHub Continuous Deployment Integration | Orionlab |
Basic Tier SKU for the Azure App Services

For Production Tier we have ACU’s. What are ACUs ?

The concept of the Azure Compute Unit (ACU) provides a way of comparing compute (CPU) performance across Azure SKUs.

The Azure Compute Unit (ACU) is used to help understand the relative compute performance between different Azure series and size VMs. It is based on the A0 (extra small) having a value of 50. A VM with an ACU of 100 has twice the compute of a VM with an ACU of 50. A VM with an ACU of 200 would be twice that of a VM with an ACU of 100 and so on.

Premium Tier SKU for the Azure App Services — Create an Azure App Service with GitHub Continuous Deployment Integration | Orionlab |
Premium Tier SKU for the Azure App Services

4. Azure recently added a new feature to work with GitHub Actions, within which whenever a new commit is made in your linked repository a workflow file will automatically deploy your app to App Service.

If you want to enable the App Service using Continuous Deployment, follow steps 4.1–4.4, otherwise skip the process and start from 5

4.1) If you“ Enable” Continuous Deployment. You have to Authorize Azure App Services to access your personal Git Repository. For Same click on Authorize.

Enable GitHub Continuous Deployment in Azure App Services — Create an Azure App Service with GitHub Continuous Deployment Integration. | Orionlab |
Enable GitHub Continuous Deployment in Azure App Services

4.2) A new Window will appear their you authorize App Service to sign-in and access your repository. Enter your GitHub credentials to fetch your repositories.

Enter your GitHub Credentials to allow Azure App Service Creates — Create an Azure App Service with GitHub Continuous Deployment Integration. | Orionlab |
Enter your GitHub Credentials to allow Azure App Service Creates

4.3) Click on Authorize to allow access, Repository and Workflow will be accessed by the Azure App Service Creates.

Authorize to allow access to Repository and Workflow by the Azure App Service Creates — Create an Azure App Service with GitHub Continuous Deployment Integration. | Orionlab |
Authorize to allow access to Repository and Workflow by the Azure App Service Creates.

4.4) You will see all the listed details like Organization, Repository, Branch. Select the one required and click on Preview File.

Listed details like Organization, Repository, Branch for chosen GitHub Account — Create an Azure App Service with GitHub Continuous Deployment Integration. | Orionlab |
Listed details like Organization, Repository, Branch for chosen GitHub Account

5. Within Monitoring Tab, Azure Monitor can be enabled with Application Insights. It will detect performance anomalies, and includes powerful analytics tools to help you diagnose issues and to understand what users actually do with your app.

We will go with “No” here.

Enable Application Insight in Azure App Services — Create an Azure App Service with GitHub Continuous Deployment Integration. | Orionlab |
Enable Application Insight in Azure App Services

6. Add Custom Tags to easily sort your data while billing and resource-sorting.

Tagging — Key : Value pair for Azure App Services — Create an Azure App Service with GitHub Continuous Deployment Integration. | Orionlab |
Tagging — Key : Value pair for Azure App Services

7. Review all the Parameters like Estimated cost per month and terms and click on Create to proceed with creation of the Resource.

Review Parameters and Estimated Cost for all the resources — Create an Azure App Service with GitHub Continuous Deployment Integration. | Orionlab |
Review Parameters and Estimated Cost for all the resources

8. Azure App Services and App Service Plan will be created with the respected resource name provided within the Subscription.

List of Resources after deployment-Azure App Services and App Service Plan — Create an Azure App Service with GitHub Continuous Deployment Integration. | Orionlab |
List of Resources after deployment—Azure App Services and App Service Plan

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