Create and Synchronize Microsoft Azure Inventory with Ansible Tower

Published in
2 min readApr 11, 2021

Create Inventory

Login to Ansible Tower and on the left blade Select Inventory. To Create a New Inventory click on [+] symbol as highlighted.

Ansible Tower — Inventory Section — Create and Synchronize Microsoft Azure Inventory with Ansible Tower | Orionlab |
Ansible Tower — Inventory Section

Select Inventory from the Option.

Ansible Tower — Create a New Inventory — Create and Synchronize Microsoft Azure Inventory with Ansible Tower | Orionlab |
Ansible Tower — Create a New Inventory

Create New Inventory, in Details.

1. Name,
2. Description,
3. Organization,
4. Instance Credentials — <Empty>,
5. Instance Groups — <Empty>

Ansible Tower — Create Inventory — Create and Synchronize Microsoft Azure Inventory with Ansible Tower | Orionlab |
Ansible Tower — Create Inventory

Browse to Sources and to add a New Source Click on [+] icon.

Ansible Tower — Add Source — Create and Synchronize Microsoft Azure Inventory with Ansible Tower | Orionlab |
Ansible Tower — Add Source

Create New Inventory, in Details

1. Name,
2. Description,
3. Source — Microsoft Azure Resource Manager,
4. Credential — Credential Key Created in Credential Section to Access Microsoft Azure.
5. Regions — Customize the preferences of Region you want to Select Resources from,
6. Verbosity — 1 (INFO)
7. Update Option — None
8. Source Variable — None

Click on SAVE and you have successfully created the Inventory access to Microsoft Azure

Create and Synchronize Microsoft Azure Inventory with Ansible Tower | Orionlab | — Create and Synchronize Microsoft Azure Inventory with Ansible Tower | Orionlab |
Create Source to Access the Inventory

Inventory Scheduler

Create or Customize the Schedule, Browse to Schedule

1. Name,
2. Start Date — Select Start Date,
3. Start Time — Select Start Time,
4. UTC — Select Time Zone,
5. Repeat Frequency — Select Repeat Frequency Time

Click on SAVE and you have successfully created the Schedule for Inventory Synchronization

Ansible Tower — Create Schedule — Create and Synchronize Microsoft Azure Inventory with Ansible Tower | Orionlab |
Ansible Tower — Create Schedule

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