Create Azure SQL Server & SQL Database in Azure

Published in
4 min readApr 16, 2021
  1. Login to Azure Portal and on the top search in portal search for Azure SQL. Select that and Click on “Create Azure SQL resource”.
Click on Create Azure SQL Resource — Setup Azure SQL within Python-Django deployed in Azure App Service | Orionlab |
Click on Create Azure SQL Resource

2. Select for SQL Database for Hyperscale and Serverless Options. We usually use SQL managed instances and SQL Virtual Machines for Migration movements.
Select Resource Type as
Single Database for Test, POC or less data. For Production choose Elastic pool.

NOTE : Database Servers are for Creating Database server and then adding databases Instances in it

Select SQL Deployment Option — Setup Azure SQL within Python-Django deployed in Azure App Service | OrionLab |
Select SQL Databases (Option 1) and select Single Database

3. If you want to create a Database server Individually with custom parameters, follow steps 3.1–3.6. Otherwise skip to point 4.

3.1) Select the Resource Group.
3.2) Enter the global unique name as it will be concatenated with as
3.3) Select Location as per your Feasibility Project location.
3.4) Enter Administrator Name as Password for accessing the databases linked to SQL Server

Create SQL Server — Setup Azure SQL within Python-Django deployed in Azure App Service | Orionlab |
Create Azure SQL Database Server

3.5) To Allow your VM, App services, etc to access your database from Firewall. Select ‘Yes’ to allow Azure Services and resources to access this server.

Networking | Azure SQL Server | Setup Azure SQL within Python-Django deployed in Azure App Service | Orionlab |
Select ‘Yes’ to allow Azure Services and resources to access this server

3.6) Within additional settings, Select “Not Now” if you’re testing and don’t want to enable the Azure Defender for SQL.

Azure Defender for Azure SQL — Setup Azure SQL within Python-Django deployed in Azure App Service | Orionlab |
Azure Defender for Azure SQL

4. After Selecting Single-Database.

4.1) Select Subscription and Resource Group.
4.2) Enter Database Name (Global Unique Name not required).
4.3) Select SQL Server from dropdown if already exist is not create new by selecting create new and fill values as per points 3.1–3.4

Create Azure SQL Database & Server Together— Setup Azure SQL within Python-Django deployed in Azure App Service | Orionlab |
Create SQL Database & Server Together

4.4) Select “Yes” if you want to scale it to SQL Elastic Pool.
4.5) For Compute + Storage —
— 4.5.1) Select Basic if you want to run basic testing with limited 2 GB storage and 5 DTU (Database Transaction Units), we can upscale it later if required.

Configure Basic Tier for Azure SQL Database — Setup Azure SQL within Python-Django deployed in Azure App Service | Orionlab |
Configure Basic Tier for Azure SQL database

— 4.5.2) Select Standard if you want to run for development upto 500GB of Max data and 125–4000 DTUs, we can upscale it later if required to Premium Plan.

Configure Standard Tier for Azure SQL database — Setup Azure SQL within Python-Django deployed in Azure App Service | Orionlab |
Configure Standard Tier for Azure SQL Database

What are DTUs ? —

DTU describes a performance unit metric for the Azure SQL Database. We can just like the DTU to the horsepower in a car because it directly affects the performance of the database. DTU represents a mixture of the following performance metrics as a single performance unit for Azure SQL Database:

  • CPU
  • Memory
  • Data I/O and Log I/O

5. Configure Network Access to your SQL Server, if you’re creating a new Server then configure “Yes” to allow access to Azure App services. If you’ve chosen the existing one then by default values of SQL Serve will be there which cannot be changed at time of database creation.

Configure Networking — Default Non-Changeable Values while choosing the Existing Azure SQL Server — Setup Azure SQL within Python-Django deployed in Azure App Service | Orionlab |
Configure Networking — Default Non-Changeable Values while choosing the Existing Azure SQL Server

6. Protect your data if you’re working with secure Data in Development / Test / Production Environment by enabling Azure Defender. If not Select “Not Now”

Azure Defender for Azure SQL database — Setup Azure SQL within Python-Django deployed in Azure App Service | Orionlab |
Azure Defender for Azure SQL database

7. Customize Additional configuration parameters like collation and maintenance slots. Start with below configuration.

Additional Configuration like collation and maintenance slots — Setup Azure SQL within Python-Django deployed in Azure App Service | Orionlab |
Additional Configuration like collation and maintenance slots

8. Add Custom Tags to easily sort your data while billing and resource-sorting.

Tagging — Key : value Pair for Azure SQL Database Server / database — Setup Azure SQL within Python-Django deployed in Azure App Service | Orionlab |
Tagging — Key : value Pair for Azure SQL Database Server / database

9. Review all the Parameters like Estimated cost per month and terms and click on Create to proceed with creation of the Resource.

Review Parameters and Estimated Cost — Setup Azure SQL within Python-Django deployed in Azure App Service | Orionlab |
Review Parameters and Estimated Cost for all the resources

10. Azure SQL Server & SQL Databases will be created with the respected resource name provided within the Subscription.

List of Resources after creation — Azure SQL Server and Azure SQL Database — Setup Azure SQL within Python-Django deployed in Azure App Service | Orionlab |
List of Resources after creation — Azure SQL Server and Azure SQL Database

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