ASK ME ANYTHING — Transcript with John Barksdale 29 Feb 2020

Ormeus Ecosystem
Published in
16 min readMar 1, 2020

Ormeus Ecosystem Investor/Advisor John Barksdale provides us with some exciting details and updates on the progress of the Ormeus Ecosystem and answers questions submitted by our community.

The video of this session can be watched HERE


1. When will the mining and the buyback bot be up and running again?

We have had problems with mining partners in the past. But now we have found the right partner.

There have been truckloads of mining equipment being moved and so far, we’re one third of the way through. The coming week they will move another one third and the week after the last part. So over the next two weeks we’ll have the entire amount of mining equipment with the containers that we have located in Utah now, relocated to our new mining facility.

Our new location that we’re moving our equipment to, has access to 1 Gigawatt of power or 1,000 Megawatts, which means that you could put 1,000 containers at the new location.

1 Gigawatt = 1,000 Megawatts

1 Megawatt = 10 Petahash

1 full container = 750 Miners

1 full container = 10 Petahash

The important thing about this location is not just that it has the access to scale to that point, but it’s also crucially important the costing that we have at this location.

The power cost we have at this location puts us in a category that is unlike any other place in the world. The power cost is so inexpensive that it allows us to mine with the current equipment we have and even bring on other equipment that is of the same age group.

Now we’ll start with the equipment we currently have and that is 30 Petahash that is ready to go. (We’ve purchased 200 Petahash ) So over the next 3–4 weeks we’ll see our mining equipment come back live from what we have existing and then we will start to scale the current capacity like we planned on originally.

Building our own mining pool, we’re going to have that access and with this new partnership and this new strategic alliance that we’ve spoken about it also gives us access to something even bigger that I’ll mention later on in this presentation.

The buyback bot is dependent on the profits of the machine. So as the mining comes back into place, then the buyback bot and all other parts of the ecosystem that are dependent on profits of the ecosystem will start to kick back in and will come back online.

So I hope this answers question number one. But I hope you all understand that it’s a major move and it’s a major difference from where we were because of the fact that the power cost is so inexpensive and having inexpensive power cost is the key to becoming the biggest miner in the world. And I believe now with this type of relationship that we have and the access we have to this power, that we have the ability to do that once more and this time we can do it at a cost that is going to be conducive even if Bitcoin fell down much further than where it is today. We’ll be able to be profitable even when the halving comes on which makes it very exciting for growth.

2. What happens to the Ormeus Coins that are bought off the market by the buyback bot? Will they still remain part of the total supply?

They are part of the total supply. We do not burn tokens. They will go into the company as a company asset and into the ORV as an asset. That ORV asset will allow us when the company eventually is taken into a public sense and form to have an asset on the books of the token that is taken off the market.

So it allows us to utilize that asset to build a stronger offering when we take the company eventually into the sense of the DAO being a public offering. When the DAO becomes a public entity then that will give us the ability from everything that was purchased off the market to have that asset value in the ORV increasing the share value for every single member that holds the original Ormeus coin. So yes, they will still be part of the total supply, they will not be part of the circulation but they’ll be part of the total supply.

3. Are you able to share any more information about the new mining partner?

Well I shared a little bit of information just before and I cannot give you the exact location but eventually we will do a tour on this property and the thing that’s great about everything that we’re going to be doing here is that the blockchain doesn’t lie, so you’ll be able to see the transactions, and the transparency that you’re looking for will come from seeing the exact transactions and the amount of money that’s going into the these types of facilities.

Eventually we’ll probably do a tour but we’ll blindfold you before we take you to the location because it’s crucially important that these locations are set. There’s equipment worth tens of millions of dollars at these places and it’s just a security risk that no one is willing to take and you as holders of the token should think the same way.

You don’t want anyone knowing exactly where your mining location is for many different reasons. I can share with you that it’s a location that has over a gigawatt of power which is basically enough power to power New Your City. It is the most inexpensive power and it is in the United States.

It’s the most inexpensive power in the country and we have the ability once we scale to 500 employees which we will scale to. Not that we’ll use all of them for the actual mining facility, but we’ll probably put them into charity work and we’ll put them on as minimum wage employees. But we will employ 500 people in the local marketplace and when we do, our power cost goes down by even one cent more.

So that’s the scalability and that’s the structure build and that’s what I’m going to be presenting to new partners that are coming in.

Because this is something that we can scale aggressively and effectively now that we have this in place and these are people that have built mining pools into a thousand petahash in the past already. So excellent experience and they really know what they’re doing and are the right type of partners and the power cost is the key component that we can use old and new equipment and I’ll share some more information when I get into more details on our strategic alliance with HyperCapital about how that can also affect everything that we’re doing here in the mining side.

4. When will the tokenswap be completed for everyone and when do you expect staking to be released?

So what I’m going to do and what I’ve decided to do and I mentioned this on a call before is that the tokens and anything that is left over and not done through this swap process over the next hundred day process I will be releasing my personal Ormeus coins to help cover anything that was left over. So within a maximum of a hundred days we’re going to get all of the tokens that are staked or in the swap process released, even if I end up having to give members my own tokens because of any type of oversight that exists. So hopefully that answers your question.

I know there’s not a lot left out there but I will personally be donating my Ormeus coins to help cover this if there is any type of deficit once complete, when they finish all the audits for the back office.

5. Any update on XcelTrip?

We’re working on putting the volumes back in place for BW. We’re also looking at different exchanges and new exchanges that we can work through our new strategic alliance that we will be listing our coins on and once we get a suitable volume then we will go and list our token on Xceltrip and you’ll be able to utilize it for every single travel resort and you’ll be able to utilize it on 400 plus Airlines and 1.5 million resorts around the world.

The volume is required on the exchange and that occurs through members trading. But it also occurs through strategic alliances and solid partnerships and the market making systems that are in place, so that will be coming online.

Over the next few weeks you’ll start to see that volume increase because of the amount of community that are going to start to gain from what we’re doing with this new build model.

6. Is the Ormeus Ecosystem still involved in crypto trading?

Yes, our systems are still completely set for crypto trading and as profits come back through the ecosystem again from mining we will be putting a percentage of those into a trading system like we had originally set before. So the ORV system will work the same way that it worked in the past, now with a more robust ability to mine and then profits from that will also go into the trading model to help catapult and build us a very very very strong active purchasing buyback bot from the ecosystem from the trading platform.

7. Why do we often experience a delay when news are about to be announced?

Compliance is crucial when we go to launch something and a lot of the times we want to make sure that you get all the information that is possible and that you get this information as soon as possible. But we still have to go through and check everything with compliance. And now we have a new strategic alliance as well, now we have two compliance issue scenarios to handle so we have to make sure that anything being spoken and said is fully compliant and doesn’t mess with any of the regulations or the regulatory agencies that exist out there. So sometimes things will be a couple of days delayed from when we actually say that it’s going to come out into place because we need to make sure and just make sure completely that the compliance is met and all standards are met for legalities for all regulatory situations, as we build out this business.

8. What’s the status with the new investor?

The new investor is one of the largest investors that we’ve ever had into the Ormeus Ecosystem and I will give you an update about this today. We’ve been working tirelessly to bring in this new investor and we’ve brought the investor in so far, so the investor is agreed, everything is completely signed which is very exciting. Now we’re just working with the local government in Vietnam to get the use rights for the land for the project to start. 5% of the total investment has to be put into the local market and the use rights are part of that, so we’re working right now to complete that. I personally would think that this would have been something that was faster but working in some of these countries, Vietnam for example, it is one party that runs things and they go by their schedule so we have to abide by their schedule. It’s not really a choice and it’s not the investors choice. The investor would like to move as quickly as possible, but the funds will not be released until the land use rights are completed. And when that’s completed everything moves forward. Now this doesn’t slow down any of the other types of things that we have in our ecosystem. This will be a huge push for our growth for the ecosystem because this is a very large amount that will be going into the ecosystem to drive everything forward. When this happens, you will see numbers that you’ve never seen before. But in the meantime, we’re still continuing to push forward on all our aspects of business while working on this and we’re working tirelessly. We’ve looked at surveyed land, we’ve seen the locations. Now it’s just a matter for the government to allow us to get the use rights and we’re working tirelessly to complete that.

9. What kind of benefits do you foresee with the HyperCapital partnership?

I call this a strategic alliance. It’s not just a business partnership where two companies are coming together. It’s an alliance because there’s multiple assets that are seeked by both companies. HyperCapital and the Hyper group is a conglomerate. They have such an amazing foot print in the cryptocurrency space. The benefits are endless if you look at the side of cryptocurrency as a project. Their system will allow us to have access to multiple facets of what they have existing in the marketplace. The exchanges being one of them. They have 13 exchanges that they control completely and they have 20 million users based on all of these exchanges combined. So that gives us the ability, with our relationship working together with them, to start to set our tokens on these exchanges.

Now, not only that, but it also allows us to be put into their blockchain communities and it allows us to work through their community and the HyperCapital network. Because there’s a massive network behind HyperCapital, besides just the technology and systems. The other things that are amazing that I think are really great is that now we don’t have to look outside for technology. We will go and we’ll work through the HyperCapital team to find our quality technology partner and to work with them for some of the people that they have on board already to build out the technologies of the Ormeus Ecosystem in the future. We’re all looking to build a larger blockchain space and a larger community and with the HyperCapital wallet system that they have in place it allows people to go and put their cryptocurrency into the system and purchase one of their tokens online. Drop it into their system and then increase their profitability automatically. And by doing that it is getting a new person involved in the space. So it’s a very smart frontend system and then their backend system, because of the fact they have such a strong exchange network, and they have launched multiple tokens into the top 10 and even more tokens into the top 100, some of those tokens where they own completely, they are a great strategic alliance for Ormeus Ecosystem.

10. What kind of due diligence has been done on HyperCapital to check their past history and benefits/risks to Ormeus Ecosystem and its members?

HyperCapital and HyperGroup, there are multiple companies that are involved in this. So what we’ll do is we will drop inside Telegram, after this video, a due diligence checklist that goes through every aspect of why and what HyperCapital and HyperCommunity and Collinstar and the companies that are involved in it, and the backgrounds behind them. This group of people has helped cryptocurrency become legal in over fourteen countries. They started in Australia and they actually put the full regulatory factor for Bitcoin in Australia. So there’s been quite a bit of due diligence.

Before we actually announced this, there was about five months working behind the scenes to check everything out to make sure that these were the right kind of people for our members to be brought in front of. And the right kind of people to help incubate everything that we’re building and not just be like a partner that comes in financially or a partner that comes in with a few technologies, but being a full core group of people that we can come together and work side by side to build something amazing..

11. Can you explain how the incubator process works, and how this can help the Ormeus Ecosystem grow?

The incubator process is where they take and they find a company and a token that is with a group of people that are extremely dedicated to work and to what they’re doing.

When we started communicating with HyperCapital they’d seen that we are extremely dedicated no matter what the token price is at and they realized that we have some abilities that other cryptocurrency companies don’t have when it comes to marketing. They find a coin that has a strong team of people that are excited about building what the’re building and they’re looking for coins that start off with a smaller circulation so we would probably list like ECO or one of the other tokens before we went to the Ormeus coin as a full incubator into their app. We would start off listing on exchanges and we put all the tokens, all of the Ormeus coins on the exchanges that they have to offer and then we work through the process and build up our organization. As we continue to build up our organization and show that we are truly dedicated to building the entire system with HyperCapital, then we’ll start to incubate our tokens on to the platform and as we do that, it has such an amazing result because we’ve seen what it’s done with coins in the past. And if you look at MOF as a great example, you’ve seen exactly what happened with that token where it went over 5000% after being put into the incubator. So just imagine what can happen as we continue to build this out.

12. Will all the Ormeus Ecosystem coins eventually be part of the incubator process, and will HyperCapital also be used for the launch of OMC?

All the coins eventually would be in different parts of the incubator. There are relationships that they have and the fact that they own multiple exchanges to where the Ormeus tokens will be listed on those. They also have HyperPay so HyperPay and some of the technologies behind that will help the Ormeus OMC system. So as we continue to develop our relationship, they are more than willing to help us support the idea and the concepts and what we’re doing to build here. So the more we build together with them, the more that will be adopted into their system fully. The more we build, the more we’re building into the ecosystem and the more we’re building into the HyperCapital and the Hyper systems which is extremely exciting for me because it’s something that we all do very well which is the marketing side of things. It allows us to build our token with a platform that has built multiple coins into the top 10 and then even more tokens into the top 100.

13. Will all the Ormeus Ecosystem coins eventually be listed on the exchanges HyperCapital has strategic partnerships with?

All tokens will eventually be listed on different strategic partnership exchanges or exchanges that they have available. Some will be because of the fact that they have such a great relationship and they own some of these exchanges. It allows us to do this at a much lower cost than you’d average and ever be able to do without having the relationship. So this is very exciting for our entire ecosystem. It gives us much more traction on the side of trade and it allows us to be utilized as more of a currency and allows all of our coins to grow completely. Not just individual Ormeus or Eco, but each individual coin completely together and then also separately are able to grow, which is exciting.

14. Will the partnership with HyperCapital also cover a mining collaboration?

I foresee an amazing future of this. Now we still have to negotiate all the details of how this will work, but because of the fact that they have great access to large mining pools and they have access to manufacturing of mining equipment, they manufacture their own mining equipment and we have the cheapest power in the world. I am very excited about having the conversation with what we can build out together with the BiWang Group with BW and their miners themselves and with our power location together I believe we can build the largest mining facility that’s ever been done. That conversation of course, is going to take multiple conversations and multiple meetings to fully complete and nothing is signed in any type of contract yet, but that I believe is our future.

15. What do you foresee as the most important things for the Ormeus Ecosystem project during 2020?

2020 is a time for us to not just rebuild but build out a stronger situation than we’ve ever built before.

If you look at the Hyper community and you look at what Ormeus ecosystem has done, we have built a very strong community of people, we’ve built this strong community and we’ve built out some basic technologies that, with the right partner and with the right system we’ve invested in some of the right places.

Now it’s time for the systems to come together, and now we’ve got something and together we can really grow and 2020 is the time for that foundation to be set.

This will put us on a higher track level than we’ve ever been before because now we’re working with a group of people that are fully like-minded versus just individuals ourselves. We have an extremely strong team to work together to build out these tokens.

Some of the really important factors are our mining and trading systems coming fully back online.

When you see all these members coming through the HyperCapital system you realize there is hundreds of thousands of people already in the HyperCapital system. As we come together it gives them the opportunity to see all the stuff we built on our ecosystem and the same for the members of our ecosystem for the Hyper community.

So when you tie these two together, they are two perfectly woven organizations to grow out something massive in 2020 and 2020 is the foundation year for the next 10 years.

And this foundational year of putting all of our systems together and bringing our systems online and live and it’s all happening now, it’s all really falling into place. And seeing that light again at the end of the tunnel, when you’re able to get through all the darkness and all the things that have happened, if we just reset our minds right now and how we see the Ormeus Ecosystem. Get as many tokens as you think you want to have because now is the time for the growth to start to happen.

This Hyper community system is extremely strong and it’s a extremely strong way to build out an organization and to expand the growth of both communities combined.

And that is going to happen with or without you active because we’re going to work, we’re pushing hard together with the Hyper community. So now we’re going to go out and step into a place of growth again, step into a place of power again and we’re turning the lights back on for everything that we’ve done, and all this energy and all this time and everything I put into this, my own personal investment is now full access through the HyperCapital system.

Now we have a backing company, a company that is now with us that is going to work as hard as we work.

We’re going to work with what we built originally but what we’re building in the future is way bigger than anything we’ve built in the past and that’s what’s exciting, it is right there ahead of us.

2020 is a year for us to take control and take charge and to take our power back.

Watch the video below:



Ormeus Ecosystem

Designed to create a ‘business first’ approach to global currency & digital life, Ormeus Ecosystem is creating a ground-breaking “Internet of Business Assets.”