How Does Lack of Vitamins Affect the Body?

Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2021

Our expert: Olga Polikina, general practitioner

Diets, dietary restrictions, and intense physical activity force our body to work in a new mode, rebuild faster, immerse it in artificial stress and create a deficiency of important vitamins and microelements.

Photo by Florian Krumm on Unsplash

When losing excess weight, what vitamins do we lose?

Diets severely restricting animal fats can cause vitamin D deficiency.

Those who are actively involved in sports often have a lack of vitamins B, A, E, and D, as well as calcium, copper, and potassium (the latter is actively excreted from the body along with sweat).

In order not to harm health, maintain efficiency and the usual level of energy, the amount of the most essential vitamins and nutrients in the body must be controlled both before and during the process of losing weight, and, if necessary, take specific supplements. Moreover, vitamins not only improve well-being but also help (or prevent) weight loss.

What element deficiency makes it difficult to lose weight?


Lack of iodine primarily affects the health of our thyroid gland, causing it to work slower and produce fewer thyroid-stimulating hormones. This can slow down the metabolism and lead to the formation of edema, which also prevents us from successfully losing weight.

Vitamin D

Unfortunately, almost everyone has little of this vitamin to one degree or another. It participates in the metabolic process and also affects energy levels and circadian rhythms, which are very important for maintaining a healthy weight.


A lack of magnesium impairs our sleep, and the less rest we have at night, the slower our metabolism is.

What vitamins and minerals help us lose weight?


Chromium is very beneficial for people dieting as it helps control blood glucose levels and increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin.


Carnitine is an amino acid that carries fatty acids through the cells of the body and helps burn calories, rather than store them. Studies show that taking 500 mg of L-Carnitine per day significantly increases the effectiveness of any physical activity, helping to burn more excess fat.


There is also a direct link between iron deficiency and being overweight. People who are deficient in it gain weight faster and get rid of those extra pounds more slowly.

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