What is the Difference Between Synthetic and Natural Vitamins?

Published in
2 min readDec 28, 2020

The vitamin and supplement market is filled with a variety of products with different price ranges, composition, and quality. We’ll help you make the right choice!

All vitamins on the market have passed appropriate safety tests and are safe for ingestion. However, there are still differences between them.

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Natural vitamins

● “RAW vitamins” are made from organic raw materials with no dyes or preservatives.

● There are no synthetic components and vitamins do not undergo thermal treatment or freezing.

● Ingredients are more expensive, increasing the final cost of the product.

● These additives are better absorbed by the body and less likely to cause allergic reactions.

Synthetic vitamins

● Synthetic vitamins are made in laboratories, making them an artificial product.

● There is no harm in synthetic vitamins unless there are existing allergies or reactions. The usefulness of the vitamin changes from person to person — some people assimilate them well, and others do not.

● The molecular composition of natural vitamins cannot be recreated in a lab, meaning that the body often views synthetic vitamins as a fake that must be removed.

● The main advantage of synthetic vitamins is their availability — the cost is much cheaper and they are more available

What to look for when buying?

● When choosing vitamins, pay attention to quality certificates.

● Beware of fakes. Pharmacies and shops will not lose money selling products. Prices should not vary much from what is on the manufacturer’s official website.

● If vitamins are sold at a large discount, their shelf life may be coming to an end. Make sure you will use them in time!

● If your health deteriorates at all after taking a vitamin, stop usage immediately until you have further information.

Do not self-medicate

● Avoid any tricks or schemes around vitamins. They can be harmful and predatory.

● Before taking any supplements, have any necessary lab tests performed and consult with a specialist (Ornament may be able to help).

● Your doctor will select the correct dosage and provider recommendations for intake.

● Understand how many vitamins you may take at what time and if it is possible to combine with other drugs.

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