Odyssy is proud to be a member of Orochi DAO at Devcon5

Dekan Brown
Orochi DAO
Published in
4 min readOct 2, 2019

We’re super excited to share that Odyssy is a genesis member of Orochi DAO.

Odyssy is a decentralized product dev shop focused on building the future of web3. Our very own Ven Gist will be giving a talk about our open source product Daohaus at Year of the DAO in Osaka for Devcon V.

A bit about Orochi DAO:

Orochi DAO is a Decentralised Autonomous Organisation (DAO), which manages event sponsorship. It enables organisations and individuals to pool sponsorship funds on the blockchain and make decisions on how to spend it through a voting mechanism. It is a fork of Moloch DAO which was created to fund ETH 2.0 projects and famously collected over ETH 7000 from well known Ethereum community members.

What we do:

We’re a full service design and development shop focused on building the future of web3, focused mainly on product. We excel at taking a napkin sketch of an idea into a compelling product. These days (Year of the DAO and all), that means we’re building a lot of DAOs and products to enhance DAO experiences. Some recent products we’ve built Gittron, PokéMol, DAOHaus, as well as many other dapps and DAOs. You can see more of our work at Odyssy.io (though we’re too busy building to keep it updated!).

For Orochi DAO itself, as well as being a sponsor, we helped Makoto deploy the DAO and get the PokéMol frontend up. Our Ven Gist made also made a quick Orochi logo so we weren’t empty-handed, but also because we wanted some sweet keepsakes from being a genesis member of Orochi DAO.

Why we joined Orochi DAO:

It all started as an idea by Makoto and Metacartel at EthBerlin. Odyssy was hacking away on our hackathon project DAOHaus when Makoto approached us with some crazy ideas about a Party Dao for Devcon.

Makoto was a mad man. He had grabbed one of our other open source dao projects (pokemol) and was hacking away to make it happen. It definitely sparked our attention.

With Kickback being the goto place for web3 events and the crazy ideas from Makoto we knew we had to get involved. At Odyssy, experimentation with DAOs is what we do and we really wanted to be a part of this.

Impressions of Orochi DAO so far:

Been amazed at how well it has worked. in just a few weeks companies from around the world have joined up, had weekly meetings and pooled around $6k together. The list of sponsers are a relly great group of forward thinking teams and it has been a pleasure to be a part of this expirement with them.

Our plans for Osaka Blockchain Week and Devcon5:

We plan on observing this experiment closely and learning from its participants. Real world use cases is where the special sauce is, and Orochi’s use of event planning seems like an excellent one.

The true story behind it:

Yamata no Orochi”, (八岐大蛇 (ヤマタノオロチ), “8-branched giant snake”) or Orochi (大蛇), is a legendary 8-headed and 8-tailed dragon. It appeared in two Japanese mythology texts written in AD 720.

After expulsion from Heaven, Susano o (one of the gods) passed by a village where a few gods were weeping because they were forced to give the Orochi one of their daughters every year for seven years, and now they must sacrifice their eighth, Kushi-inada princess.

To combat the Orochi, Susano o ordered the parents to prepare lots of Sake and cut the head off when the Orochi got super drunk.

We named our DAO as Orochi DAO partly due to the weak link to the self-sacrifice Moloch has.

We also picked the 8-headed and 8-tailed dragon hoping that our sponsorship DAO initiatives stems to benefit many other events to make entire DevCon5 sub-events successful as a whole.

Now join us as we party like the year AD 720!

It’s not too late to join!

If you’re interested in finding out about the Orochi DAO please contact: makoto@kickback.events

While at Devcon search down Ven Gist from Odyssy. We love to talk about the future of DAOs and collaboration in the real world. Look for the pink Orochi Pin. ;)

Also check out other articles from us on our Medium https://medium.com/odyssy

