You Gave The Gift Of Life: An Update on Sasha!

Orphan's Promise
Published in
3 min readJun 30, 2016

Greetings from Holland!

I know many of you have been praying for me these last few weeks and I cannot thank you enough. I’ve felt your prayers and they are continually being answered. As you’ve heard, I was released from the ICU after only two days, and came home from the hospital on day 10. Both are miracles! God is good!

Sasha before surgery. Given six months to live.

I am currently living with some friends, Aphina and Klaus, who have generously allowed me to stay with them while I continue recovering. I have known these special people since I was a young boy living in the orphanage, and they are like family. During my stay, I have spent time praying, rejoicing, learning English and Dutch, and learning Skype!

My final diagnosis was severe Crohn’s Disease and I was close to death. The doctors gave me six weeks to live. Thanks to OP, I was able to have surgery, which saved my life. Before the surgery, we prayed that I would have enough healthy intestinal tract remaining for a stoma, and again, our prayers were answered. I pray for continued healing and the removal of the stoma, but Praise God that I am alive.

About a week ago, I had the stitches from my surgery removed, and my appetite is returning. I have already gained fifteen pounds! I feared for my life just a few short weeks ago, but now I feel alive! I have many long days ahead of me, but I know God is in control.

Looking ahead, I will be living above an Orphan’s Promise-sponsored transitional home in Mukachevo, where Roma kids are receiving skills training and education. OP staff will continue to care for and support me as I recover, and more importantly, I can return to what I love most: serving the Roma kids. I have dreamed about returning to the kitchen and serving one of my special dishes made with love.

Sasha today! He has gained 20 lbs already and is smiling and regaining strength daily!

Please continue to lift me up in prayer. I thank God for you and your generosity. For an orphan boy, I have never felt the kind of love and warmth of family as much I have these last few weeks. I wish I could thank each of you personally.

God has big plans for us all!

In grace,


