Pope Tawadros II and Hosting the Antichrist’s Council, Selling Christ for Popularity

Andrew Kamal
Published in
5 min readJul 22, 2024
Photo by Tech Nick on Unsplash

If asked about my life, I would tell you that my life has been one in which I chose harshness. This is my fault, and my reality given the kindness of the Coptic people. They are my people whom I have loved, cherished and I would have done what I can do to even lay down my life for.

If you asked the Coptic Youth or general council, they would say, “Andrew was just some kid that wanted attention”, and likely by now that he is not one of us, this than I deserve. I am at the border of being banned by my community, in every essence of the sense.

Up until now, what am I to the churches? I speak the bad of myself, and they do not know any good traits of myself.

Ask the daughters of the church, and he is an outcast. Ask the sons of the church, and most will say, this is not my brother.

I am one amongst my people and yet far from my people, by my own undoing, and therefore, pay no attention to me who is dust compared to even the lowest people of the church.

If you have a hierarchy, let me be your footstool, your pain, and the embodiment of your suffering. Then this is how I shall be crowned.

However, the lowest people in the church are not whom is being mentioned here, or even the bishoprics who have committed heresy.

The Sixth World Conference on Faith and Order by the World Council of Churches is run by groups that talk about interfaith relations, globalism, and even yearn for the day for ecumenicism not even amongst sects of Christianity that have been heretical, but even of different faiths entirely.

If this council is hosted next year in the Monastery of St. Beshoy, near the Sea of our Father St. Mark, this marks the end of the Coptic Church, and it shall have a temporary fall. The only reason then it shall rise is because of having harbored the Christ Child in those areas of Egypt.

If the Pope is not a heretic, apologize to the church and tear up the agreement of the World Council of Churches, and end all interfaith dialogues that shall cause wars, ethnical cleansing, the selling of our traditions, the selling of our faith, and no peace.

Edit July 26th: I do apologize for the strong words above but can not recant that statement. If the Pope actually knows the philosophy behind the World Council and still chose to go ahead with it, then I can not justify it. However, it is my opinion that perhaps he doesn’t know the “special interests” behind such a corrupt council, and I am really hoping the sincere honesty of my words overshadows the harshness.

“If anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed” (Galatians 1:8–9 NKJV)

تسريب صوتي للانبا إرميا يروي تفاصيل غلق برنامج الأنبا زوسيما فيديو٢ — YouTube

Image Source: London Historians’ Blog
Image Source: w83

الكاهن الشجاع الذي علم البابا تاوضروس معنى الصدق — YouTube

Image Source: a7
Image Source: World Harmony Run
Image Source: Watani Network
Image Source: Vatican News
Image Source: Jesuits.global
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Image Source: International Dialogue Centre / PR Newswire
Image Source: Herald Malysia
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Image Source: World Council of Churches
Image Source: Publishing Service UK
Image Source: Getty Images
Image Source: Shepparton Interfaith
Image Source: Anglican Oriental Orthodox Commissioners
Image Source: licdn
Image Source: Flickr Images
This is the field trip your Monks and Bishops visit?
Image Source: Egyptian Steets
Image Source: Media Line
Image Source: Egypt Migrations

My Content:

Letter of Concern (Basically Ignored): https://www.academia.edu/118723223/Letter_of_Concern

Letter to the Church (Basically Ignored): https://www.academia.edu/121808816/Letter_to_the_Church

Treaty on the Recognition of the Stark Global Initiative and Protection of Vulnerable Groups

Letter Sent Out via April 09, 2024
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Andrew Kamal

The dude with many different talents *Coder *Inventor *Startup Advisor *Coptic Activist *Sponsored Athlete *Blogger *Conservative *Researcher *Miaphysite