What is kids sexual development and where it can lead to?

Copy of OSI-SXPPA01170803 Research paper

Open State Institute
Open State
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2017



OSI Research #OSI-SXPPA01170803

“Differentiation of deviant forms of sexual behavior in ages 3–16 and measurement of the importance of underage (e.g., ages of infancy and / or adolescence) sexual games for better understanding the development of people inner (but not mercenary) willing for production and viewing of child pornography and pedophilia.”


  1. This and any research is a fictional mental experiment, thus any results of this experiment are not intended to be used in a real world controversial situation. Whatever the result of research is, social and juridical norms are still main strategies for action in real world situations.
  2. The first subject of this research is a development of basic strategies describing sexual development of human being in ages 3–16 and describing abilities for deviation-causing factors to occur.
  3. The second subject of this research is to think over arguments for and against child pornography / pedophilia watching sexual behavior as a social norm or deviation from the following points of view: Neurobiology and scientific research, psychology and scientific research, norms of law, current social norms in developed countries, opponents of current social norms (e.g. people voting against prosecution for child pornography content creators / for pedophiles).
  4. The third subject of this research is for a connection of first two subjects describing, how underage sexual development deviations are being reasons for human being to start performing actions related to child pornography content.


Despite role-based games to be played by kids all around the globe, sexual-related scientific research was meant to be highly non ethical, thus research in this area is almost a non-existent one.

Before digging into the research of sexual-alike games, that children are practicing with their peers along growing up and discovering world around them, we have to admit the fact, that social experiments, especially one that are related to actions that are highly restricted by law and are non-ethical to be measured, can only be observed via people description of their experiences, which are always biased.

Finally, Open State Institute doesn’t conduct physical experiment at all, thus this research can only rely on experiments, that have already taken place.


Ages 3 to 16 play a huge role in the social development of individual. Human sexuality, as being one of the main ways of social interaction in adulthood has to be developed in underage period as well.

First way of skills development in a young age is gaming process. Sexual context in child games can be split in two separate categories.

First is a group of social context-based make believe games. This category is way better researched than the other one. The main strategy throughout these games is to take on one of the social roles, whether it is a mother son or any other. Dolls are used for mimicking some of the social roles as well. But, despite the fact that person insecurity starts to develop at a very young age, and opposite sex interactions are highly related to this

