Drawn podcast

Thomas Williamson
OSA Digital Media
Published in
1 min readAug 24, 2020

Link to podcast

What podcast format is this?

  • informational podcast

What aspects of sound design are incorporated into this podcast?

  • People talking and discussing the topic
  • Soft music
  • Audio examples of cartoons being talked about

Briefly describe the contents of this podcast.

  • This podcast describes and informs the audience of the process of creating cartoons and animations. This specific episode focuses on the sound design and foley in animation. It describes the process of creating these sounds and the evolution of cartoon sound design. The second episode I listened discussed the famous voice actors and actresses behind classic cartoons.

What emotions or reactions did the podcast evoke? If so, describe when and give examples. Did sound design contribute to your reaction?

  • The podcast did not give me too many emotions. I guess it gave me a little curiosity with how they described the behind the scenes on cartoon sound design. The sound design helped this by playing soft, inspiring and curious music

What might you borrow from this podcast?

  • If I end up doing an informational podcast, I could borrow their technique of playing audio examples of what they’re talking about to help the listener understand.

