Podcast: Smiles are Wild!

William Truong
OSA Digital Media
Published in
3 min readAug 22, 2020

This story is summarizing the episodes “The Do’s & Don’ts of Orthodontists” and “How to Handle Dental Emergencies.”

Episode 1: The Do’s & Don’ts of Orthodontists

Link: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3kiax2Vex7QWxulZ5pRIsq

Format: Solo Podcast

The Sound Design:

This podcast episode really inflicts a feeling that you’re actually in an dental office! You will hear the sound of the hollow space that echos throughout the solitary room. How? The microphone is set at a far distance from the speaker’s voice, projecting a sound quality that is not normal to the audience. You’ll be surprised and confused at first like I did, but you will get used to it.

The Content:

The most important of knowing what the podcast is about comes from their content. The title is pretty straight forward, what you should and should not do while undergoing orthodontic treatment. For example, you should not consume any sticky food, candy, and hard foods. When you consume sticky food, it will be difficult to remove from your brackets. Eating candy without proper care afterwards would bring harm to your enamel and heightens your risks of developing cavities. Tackling hard foods will wear your appliances down and risks dislocation of your brackets. All in all, avoid these foods to properly care your teeth during your orthodontic treatment.

The Emotions:

The emotions that evokes towards me is the feeling of professionalism and formality. The speaker spoke in a professional tone while listing the do’s and don’ts while undergoing orthodontic treatment. As mentioned before, the sound design inflicts a sound of being in the office while speaking to the dentist/orthodontist. The audio and the professionalism goes well together like cereal and milk.

In Conclusion:

Always follow what your orthodontist say! This will help your orthodontic treatment go by smoothly without any/minimum problems. If you don’t follow their instructions/guidance, you’re going to have to hang tight for a loooong ride.

Episode 2: How to Handle Dental Emergencies

Link: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3Y4KnFDyiYHzTYiXAA1wRm

Format: Solo Podcast

Sound Design:

Similar to the last episode, the audio quality still has a small echo to it but has a better sound quality.

The Content:

For this episode, it is explaining what you should do during dental emergencies. The speakers described different emergency cases that she encountered from different patients. If you put off a serious dental emergency, your teeth may encounter one of many problems: infections, pain, swelling, and sensitivity. Let’s take a cracked tooth from a bicycle incident for example. A dangerous case of a cracked tooth injury can expose your nerves within that effected tooth. If you put off seeking immediate care, you may encounter one of the problems that is listed above.

The Emotions:

Again, the emotions feels like the previous podcast episode “The Do’s and Don’ts of Orthodontists.” It produces a form of professionalism and formality from the tone of the speaker’s voice. The professionalism and formality adds on to the mood of being in the dental/orthodontist office.

In Conclusion:

If you encounter a dental emergency, you must contact your dentist if the case requires serious care or does not require immediate care. Dental emergencies should be taken seriously, or else you cannot drink your favorite drink.

