Interview with OSA DC Business Development Lead, Japan, Yuki Natsui

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6 min readNov 29, 2018

1. 15 years of experience in business, the financial industry, and IT — please tell us more about your career background story. At what companies did you work? What inspires you? What ups and downs brought you success?

I was running my own business for more than 10 years. The company was engaged in the import of food from Japan and Asia. Starting from 2017, I began to invest in IT and blockchain. Also, using my business experience and language skills (Japanese, English and Russian), I was engaged in consulting Japanese projects in Russia and Russian projects in Japan. I was always living in between these two great countries and I am sure that they have terrific potential in their cooperation. I always felt my role in helping to implement this process and building a bridge between these two interesting business worlds.

2. Why did you decide to join OSA DC?

Among all the proposals from different companies, I chose OSA DC because I see the great potential of AI and Blockchain synergy — for an industry that continues to grow online and benefits from the digitized economy, retail will need help streamlining and optimizing product services before they can reach their full potential.

OSA DC’s artificial intelligence and machine learning protocols will solve many of the problems faced by outlets that use current logistics systems and save billions of dollars, while blockchain will work in tandem with its AI to facilitate a more efficient environment for seller and consumer alike.

Also, OSA Decentralized has a clear vision for their product development where the technological innovations of today become the enterprise solutions of tomorrow. I also share this vision and decided to become a part of it.

3. Really not that long ago, OSA DC opened its office in Tokyo. Why did OSA DC choose Japan as one of the key markets for its expansion?

Despite the fact that the Japanese market is one of the safest in the field of food safety, it still has problems with low-quality products and the general inefficiency of the supply chain.

This can be evaluated in numbers, with the Food Loss total amount of 28.42M ton in 2015. Notably, the amount of edible food thrown away was 6.46M tons and more than half of it was food discarded before consumers could have purchased it. This problem then appeared as the agenda in SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) adopted by UN. Increasing shipping costs also contributes the growth of E-commerce market size. Over five years, the amount of shippings grew by 18% while the total amount of shipping costs in Japan increased by 25.19% over the same period.

Does Japanese retail have problems? — Yes. That’s exactly the right place where OSA DC technologies need to be implemented. More than that, Japan is an advanced country in introducing innovations. If we can prove the effectiveness of the system in Japan, then we can surely continue OSA DC’s expansion in other countries and show the whole world that retail can be renovated.

4. What, in your opinion, are the significant differences about the Japanese crypto market as compared to other countries?

The main difference of the Japanese market from the rest, is that in Japan cryptocurrency is recognized as an official means of calculation. At one time, it was this news that gave a big impetus to the development of cryptocurrency all over the world. Japanese investors are one of the first to understand that cryptocurrency is a high-return investment.

It is also noteworthy that in Japan there is a rather large layer of contributors who invest in long-term projects. As we can see, OSA DC is a long running business. Our goal is to bring the real economy into the crypto world.

5. The Japanese government is betting on AI as the key to rewriting the Japan blueprint for the future. How will it influence the retail industry?

One of the main problems of modern Japanese society is aging incision and low fertility. The country understands that this demographic problem can be solved only with the help of migrants or modernization and automation of the production in major spheres of life.

This is why such areas as robotics and artificial intelligence are such priorities.

Speaking about the retail sector, many players are betting on AI, because it is able to efficiently analyze big data received from consumers and issue effective advice on managing stock balance, formulate recommendations for purchases, etc.

AI is reshaping the retail workforce, from manufacturing to last-mile logistics . Manufacturers and retailers gain access to AI recommendations based on consumer data, feedback, and behavior, including the ability to communicate directly with consumers. Some of this data was previously unavailable, including monitoring decision trees, real price elasticity, and the importance of product features and availability at the “moment of truth” — the buying decision. These factors will significantly enrich the range of recommendations for business decisions and perfectly fit the idea of new retail era.

6. What companies are you currently planning to partner with in Japan?

OSA DC’s services are multifaceted. At the moment, we are focused on understanding the nature and specifics of the “problems” and “pains” in the Japanese market and offer an effective solution using our technologies.

At the moment, we are meeting with the largest players in Japanese retail, manufacturers, trading houses and companies that provide services in the field of big data analysis.

During the last year we had numerous meetups with biggest brands such as Kirin and Morinaga — everybody welcome OSA DC technologies, get very interested and show big interest to our solutions.

7. Considering today’s crypto market downturns, OSA Token shows a more than stable dynamic. What is the reason for that in your opinion?

It’s true. The crypto market is down significantly today, practically across the board for all coins. At the same time OSA token, listed on Bibox and Coinegg shows a more than stable dynamic.

First of all, the project was very attentive to the planning and implementation of its token sale. Most of our contributors are institutional investors who came to this market not for speculation, but for a long-term development of the project and strong solid partnership.

The distinctive feature of the company is the fact that OSA DC is a successful business supported by leading experts in AI, IT, Blockchain and retail business. How many projects can boast of this level of development?

It is a strong relationship and the generation of profits in the fiat economy, in the future, will boost the price of the token.

8. Can you please tell us more about OSA Token’s role in your ecosystem?

OSA Coin is the foundational currency of the OSA DC ecosystem, acting as a medium to connect the OSA DC ecosystem with the External Environment. It will be necessary for non-OSA DC participants to obtain OSA Coin to purchase services within OSA DC platform.

To facilitate ecosystem expansion, large business partners will be able to buy OSA Coins with fiat currency through the OSA operating company.

In addition to actual ecosystem participants, OSA Coin can be owned by external entities or contributors.

9. Combined turnover of OSA DC’s key prospective clients is roughly 1,5 times bigger than the current value of all cryptocurrencies combined. How do you think it can change the market and bring real money to crypto?

Global companies are only looking at the possibilities of the crypto world. The main problem is the lack of clear and regulated mechanisms for investing in crypto actives. That is why the OSA DC prepares revolutionary solutions in the form of financial instruments that will become a bridge that will connect fiat investments to the world of cryptocurrencies.

10 How do you see Japanese retail in 5 years, and OSA DC’s role in it?

Japan has always been one of the countries with the longest average lifespan, and it is not by accident with people giving preference to organic food and natural, eco-friendly products, keeping their diets and spending time and money on sports and recreation. This has not changed. In this case, the quality control and elimination of criminal product safety violations plays a vital role in the whole healthcare ecosystem. With OSA DC ensuring the reliability of all the parties and leaving no place for corruption at higher levels, the Japanese people can rest assured their health is in no danger.

With that said, I believe in safe retail, transparent for all — retailers, manufacturers, and consumers, where we save money, time and secure our health. OSA DC is here to bring it!



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OSA DC is the world’s first decentralized marketplace providing AI-driven solutions to retailers, manufacturers, and consumers