Machine Learning, Virtual Care, and a New Kind of Back End: Using Tech to Tackle Health Care’s Most Pressing Problems

Alan Warren
Oscar Tech
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2018

Yesterday, our CEO and co-founder Mario Schlosser shared that Alphabet plans to invest $375 million into Oscar — an investment that will help us double our engineering and product teams, once finalized, and helps solidify Oscar’s status as the most exciting place to work at the intersection of technology and health care.

We will accelerate our work in building the best experience for members, and an increasingly powerful one for providers as well.

Already, Oscar’s tech teams are guiding members to the highest-value doctors for them through machine learning and advanced search and ranking algorithms in our apps. They are working with our population health and care delivery teams to find new and innovative ways of deploying virtual care, and building integrations with health systems to enable members to book doctors’ appointments instantly from their phones. And they’ve already architected the first claims system from scratch since the existence of the modern web, helping to take a back-end historically oriented around billing and centering it on people’s health.

Together, Oscar’s tech teams are working alongside a cross-section of the brightest talents in many diverse industries to build a world where health care works for consumers. In the months and years ahead, they’ll embark on new projects with physicians, nurses, and operations teams to design more ways of improving care.

These innovations and the many more on our tech and product roadmap address tangible, urgent issues in our members’ health care — and they are precisely the kinds of projects that remind us of the promise and potential of technology. Come join us!

