Our Golden Circle

Published in
4 min readMay 31, 2018
A simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership

…what OS City is doing is a modularized approach to digital transformation of governments, using an open source cloud platform; like the appstore or playstore, we’re building the “govstore” to leverage public sector innovation and save the world…


We’re living an age of accelerations, a 4th industrial revolution bringing significant business opportunities and substantial challenges. Technology is creating more than ever a sense of prosperity in future cities attracting 3M people every week and expecting 75% of human population to live in cities by 2050.

But this rapid urbanization is clashing against the bureaucratic processes that city governments still have, causing a crisis of institutional agility, undermining economic and human development, leading to catastrophe.

Being the bottleneck that governments are becoming turns decision makers to struggle to see the big picture and thus leverage short-term profits, provoking unsustainable consumption of resources, crime and corruption that adversely affect infrastructure, services delivery, further investments, and even efforts to reduce poverty and inequality.

In short, we started OS City because we know governments need help to avoid catastrophic consequences in terms of environment resource management, social inclusion, mobility, energy, water, pollution, economic development, urban planning, crime and violence… we started in order to ensure a sustainable future of cities.

A challenge for our era: digitizing bureaucracy


To ensure a sustainable future of cities, we need to serve city governments with the technology that will help them to be more innovative, efficient, transparent and smarter institutions.

Harnessing innovation in the public sector is a must to maintain quality of life for all — inexpensive energy, convenient mass transit, good schools and health services, great public services, faster emergency responses, clean water and air, low crime rates, sufficient food, and shelter. We need tools to address society’s most pressing problems.

Society’s most pressing problems: SDGs

So governments need exponential technologies to become more agile and citizen-centered to increase convenience, aim for minimal wait times, and reduce red tape and corruption. They need technological tools that can change at exponential rates and leverage the possibility to be as decentralized as possible to ensure inter-tenure continuity and the power to create stronger public institutions.


Ok yes, governments need to become more open and go fully digital, but in most cases, a government tenure is just not enough time to make these transformations even with 100% will to change, and the challenge increases when new administrations come in…

So, what can we do?

Well, we have found an opportunity to build an open source cloud platform for governments to self-tailor their digitization strategy, getting continuous access to new and better solutions.

In this way, a government tenure can transform what is ready to be transformed, but leave the field open for the next administration. Then, the convenience of the previous work (collected data) and the possibilities to continue adding more solutions (innovation) will be attractive for incoming administrations.

Who wouldn’t want to start a government tenure with prefabricated money and electoral returns?

So we’re using an open source framework and a community building plugins to create digital cities. Reusing plugins enables for distributing costs and reducing the fear of trying something new. We are making technologies accessible and de-risked for any government.

What is more, exponential technologies such as Blockchain, IoT and AI can now yield immediate, meaningful results that may prompt more buy-in opportunities; all within an ecosystem of trust and digital collaboration.

In short, what OS City is doing is a modularized approach to digital transformation of governments, using an open source cloud platform that serves as the city operating system where governments install the apps they need to become more productive, just as we do with our iOS or Android, we’re building the “govstore” to leverage public sector innovation transfer.

