Would something about The Cramps or The Undertones be punk enough?

Osel Magazin
Published in
2 min readSep 23, 2015


This is the statement Paul Harrison-Davies wrote me when I asked to do something for Osel. and this is the result. Let me know if you like it or not.

T H E C R A M P S — by Paul Harrison-Davies
Paul Harrison-Davies draws mainly for fun and has contibuted to Best New Manga 1 and 3, a chapter for Nelson, the cover for Bruce Campbell’s autobiography, edited and contributed to Boo! and the follow up Die! Boo! Die! He’s also written and drawn his own comic Astrodog. He’d like to do more paid comic work, but he’s happy slapping ink on rough paper.

A hint so to redescover (for many of us just descover) this amazing band.. if you missed it.

More this is Paul instagram, so you can enjoy his beautifull illustrations

