Navigating the World of Cybersecurity: A Beginner’s Handbook to Penetration Testing.

Myra Jarenga
OSINT for all
Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2024


Happy new year 2024. Have you ever wondered why penetration testing is crucial in cybersecurity world. In the dynamic realm of cybersecurity, a term “penetration testing” is all over. If you’re new to this field or have recently come across the concept, you might be wondering, “What is this?” Well, fear not! I am here to provide a straightforward and inclusive guide to understanding what penetration testing entails and the critical processes involved. To complement your learning, I’ve also created a video that breaks down these concepts in an accessible manner — you can watch it here Understanding what penetration testing is and how it’s done.

So, what is Penetration Testing?

Penetration testing, or pen testing, stands out as a proactive method to assess the security of computer systems, networks, and applications. Picture it as enlisting an ethical hacker to simulate a real-world cyberattack, with the primary goal of pinpointing vulnerabilities rather than exploiting them. Let us now delve into the processes involved in penetration testing.

Key Processes in Penetration Testing:


  • Define Objectives: Clearly outlining the goals and scope of the penetration test, specifying the systems or applications to be tested, and addressing any specific security concerns is crucial. It’s like establishing a roadmap for the test.
  • Obtaining Authorization: Ensuring proper authorization to conduct the test is vital, mitigating legal ramifications. Think of it as a mutual agreement to proceed, fostering a collaborative and secure testing environment.


  • Information Gathering: Collecting relevant data about the target systems, including domain names, IP addresses, and publicly available information about the organization, helps build a comprehensive understanding.


  • Identify Live Hosts: Determining active systems on the network is a foundational step.
  • Port Scanning: Discovering open ports and services on the identified hosts or network is crucial for vulnerability assessment.


  • Extracting Information: Gathering detailed data about the target systems, such as user accounts, network shares, and system configurations, aids in understanding network dynamics and the security of accounts.

Vulnerability Analysis

  • Assessing Weaknesses in the System: Ethical hackers identify potential vulnerabilities in the target systems and applications.
  • Prioritizing: Determining vulnerability severity and prioritizing based on the level of risk helps focus efforts where they are most needed.


  • Simulating Attacks: Attempting to exploit identified vulnerabilities helps a Pen tester understand potential entry points for attackers.
  • Gaining Access: Testing if unauthorized access can be obtained through these vulnerabilities aids in identifying vulnerable entry points.


  • Evaluate Impact: Assessing the consequences of successful exploitation on the target systems is key to controlling incidents effectively.
  • Document Findings: Thoroughly documenting all findings, including exploited vulnerabilities and recommended remediation steps, guides the next steps for a pen tester to maintain control over the situation.


  • Create a Report: A clear, concise report detailing the penetration test process, findings, and recommended actions is essential for effective communication.
  • Share Recommendations: Offering actionable recommendations to address identified vulnerabilities and enhance overall security is a crucial part of the process.

NB: Penetration testing is a journey and not a one-time activity. Regular penetration testing ensures your company stays secure, safeguarding your most precious asset — data.

In Conclusion:

Penetration testing is an integral part of a robust cybersecurity strategy. By simulating real-world cyberattacks, organizations can proactively identify and address vulnerabilities before malicious actors exploit them. Remember, successful penetration testing depends on planning, thorough execution, and effective communication of findings. Whether you’re an aspiring cybersecurity enthusiast or an organization eager to strengthen your defenses against cyberattacks, understanding the fundamentals of penetration testing is a crucial step toward a more secure digital environment. To dive deeper into this topic, check out our accompanying video here Understanding what penetration testing is and how it’s done

I hope you enjoyed reading this article as much as i enjoyed writing it. If you would like to connect with me you can do so on LinkedIn Myra Jarenga, you can also send me a DM on X @myrajarenga for us to chat more on this topic. You can support me by following me in order to learn more every week in order to learn how to stay secure online. Thank you.



Myra Jarenga
OSINT for all

A Cybersecurity analyst with customer service experience and AI expert.