Tips to Navigating on Social Media Platforms Safely

Myra Jarenga
OSINT for all
Published in
3 min readFeb 6, 2024


In our modern world, social media has become an indispensable tool for connecting, sharing, and staying informed. These platforms have woven themselves into the fabric of our daily lives, making it crucial for us to understand the potential risks and take proactive measures to navigate them securely. This guide will walk you through essential practices to ensure your safety on social media and protect yourself from cyber threats.

Understanding the Digital Landscape

Before navigating on social media safely understanding this landscape is crucial. Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, serve as virtual spaces where individuals interact, share content, and communicate. The expansive reach of these platforms is a double-edged sword; while they provide connectivity, they also attract cybercriminals seeking to exploit vulnerabilities for malicious purposes.

Why should we be vigilant?

As we share our lives online, it becomes imperative to be vigilant about the information we disclose and the settings we choose. Cybercriminals often exploit unsuspecting users through tactics like phishing, identity theft, and other cyber threats. By understanding the risks, we empower ourselves to navigate social media safely. Below are 6 major tips have learned that can help you on how to stay secure while navigating social media platforms.

  1. Securing Your Digital Identity

Begin by securing your digital identity through robust privacy settings on each platform. This prevents unauthorized access to your personal information and ensures that your online presence is shared only with those you trust.

Example: Emily discovered that her public Facebook profile exposed her personal details to strangers. After adjusting her privacy settings, she regained control over her digital identity, limiting access to friends and family.

2. Fortify Your Digital Fortress with Strong Passwords

Creating strong and unique passwords for each social media account is akin to fortifying your digital fortress. By steering clear of easily guessable information, you build a sturdy defense against cyber threats. I have created a step by step guide here that you can download for free to help you create strong passwords here.

Example: Michael learned the importance of strong passwords after falling victim to a hacking attempt. With unique and robust passwords for each account, he bolstered his online security.

3. Layered Protection with Two-Factor Authentication.

Add an extra layer of protection to your accounts by enabling two-factor authentication (2FA). This additional step ensures that even if a cybercriminal gains access to your password, they would still need a second form of verification.

Example: Amanda’s Instagram account was spared from unauthorized access when she activated 2FA. The extra layer of security proved invaluable in safeguarding her digital presence.

4. Exercise Caution with Links

Be cautious when encountering links on social media, especially those sent by friends. Cybercriminals often disguise malicious links as harmless content. Verify the authenticity of such links before clicking to prevent falling prey to phishing attacks.

Example: Brian received a link from a friend that seemed suspicious. By double-checking its legitimacy, he avoided a potential phishing scam that could have compromised his account.

5. Stay Current: Update Your Apps Regularly

Stay one step ahead of cyber threats by keeping your social media apps up to date. Regular updates from developers often include security enhancements, closing potential vulnerabilities and ensuring a safer online experience.

Example: Olivia’s Snapchat account faced a security breach due to an outdated app version. After updating, she noticed improved security features that shielded her account from potential threats.

6. Review and Revoke: Third-Party App Permissions

Take control of your digital ecosystem by reviewing and revoking third-party app permissions. This proactive measure ensures that only trusted apps have access to your personal information, minimizing the risk of data misuse.

Example: Thomas realized an old app still had access to his Twitter account. By revoking its permissions, he safeguarded his digital identity from potential exploitation.

I also have a YouTube video for you to follow along and learn easily here.

In Conclusion

In the dynamic landscape of social media, vigilance is the key to a secure online experience. By implementing these practices, you fortify your digital presence against cyber threats and create a safer environment for yourself in the vast digital realm. Stay secure, stay connected!



Myra Jarenga
OSINT for all

A Cybersecurity analyst with customer service experience and AI expert.