Understanding Two-Factor Authentication. Your Key to Enhanced Online Security

Myra Jarenga
OSINT for all
Published in
3 min readMar 15, 2024


In today’s digital age, cyber threats are everywhere and around every corner of the internet. From hackers trying to steal your personal information to phishing scams attempting to trick you into revealing sensitive data, the online world can be a dangerous place. That’s where cybersecurity comes in.

Cybersecurity is like a shield that protects you from these digital dangers. It’s all about keeping your information safe and secure while you navigate the vast landscape of the internet. And one crucial tool in your cybersecurity package is something called Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).

So, I know you are asking yourself what exactly is Two-Factor Authentication, and why do you need it? Let me break it down in simple terms.

I like to use scenarios to make you understand my points better.

Imagine a scenario where you have a secret treasure filled with your most valuable possessions. You want to keep it safe from thieves, right? Well, in the digital world, your online accounts — like your email, social media, or banking accounts — are your treasure chests, and hackers are the modern-day thieves trying to break in.

Now, here’s where Two-Factor Authentication comes into play. Instead of just relying on a single lock (like your password) to protect your treasure, 2FA adds an extra layer of security. Having a strong password is good and you can learn how to create strong passwords for your accounts by watching this video I made to help you do just that here How to craft strong passwords for all your accounts. 2FA adds a second lock that requires a different key to open.

Here’s how you go about implementing 2FA in your accounts.

Step 1. Set Up Two-Factor Authentication

  • First, log in to your account as you normally would using your username and password.
  • Then, go to your account settings or security settings. Look for an option to enable Two-Factor Authentication or 2FA.
  • Follow the instructions to choose a second form of verification. This could be a code sent to your phone via text message, a code generated by an authentication app, or even a fingerprint scan. I like to use Google Authenticator app you can download it from your Google play store or app store. comes in handy.

Step 2. Verify Your Identity

  • Once you’ve set up 2FA, the next time you log in to your account, you’ll be prompted to enter your usual password.
  • After entering your password, the account will then ask for the additional verification method you selected during setup.
  • Simply follow the prompts to provide the requested information or code.

And just like that, you’ve added an extra layer of protection to your online accounts! Even if a hacker manages to guess or steal your password, they won’t be able to access your account without the second form of verification.

Now, you might be wondering, why bother with Two-Factor Authentication when it seems like a bit of extra hassle? Well, think of it this way, would you rather go through the minor inconvenience of entering a second code or risk having your entire online identity compromised by a cybercriminal?

By enabling Two-Factor Authentication, you significantly reduce the chances of unauthorized access to your accounts, keeping your personal information safe and secure. It’s like having a virtual bodyguard standing watch over your digital treasure, ensuring that only you have the key to unlock it.

So, take the proactive step to enhance your online security today by enabling Two-Factor Authentication on your most important accounts. It’s a simple yet powerful way to protect yourself in an increasingly complex digital world.

Want to learn more about how to secure your online presence you do so on this blog and on my YouTube Channel “Cybersecurity Insights”. I have different videos that can help you learn, stay safe and be vigilant while on the online platforms significantly reducing the chances of you falling prey to hackers' tactics.

Thank you.



Myra Jarenga
OSINT for all

A Cybersecurity analyst with customer service experience and AI expert.